Project management

Conduct appraisal interviews " 7 dos and don'ts ✓

The right approach makes all the difference. Discover our 7 dos and don'ts to help you conduct productive and insightful appraisal interviews by asking precise questions and conducting targeted discussions.
Conduct appraisal interviews " 7 dos and don'ts ✓

An appraisal interview is often perceived as uncomfortable by both employers and employees. The fear of having questions without answers or presenting oneself unfavourably can put a strain on the situation. However, a well-conducted appraisal interview harbours the potential for a valuable exchange. The success of this dialogue depends on asking the right questions and conducting the conversation in the right way.

In this blog article, you will learn how to conduct an appraisal interview that benefits both sides and which questions lead to a successful dialogue.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

You should avoid these questions!
Guidelines for successful appraisal interviews
7 questions for a trusting appraisal interview

What is an appraisal interview and why is it important?

An appraisal interview is a structured discussion between employer and employee that serves to Feedback to clarify expectations and strengthen the working relationship. If conducted correctly, it promotes motivation, clarifies misunderstandings and provides a platform for constructive criticism. A well-prepared dialogue helps to improve the Working conditions and to the further development of the employee.

You should avoid these questions! 7 Don'ts

In order to conduct a successful appraisal interview, it is crucial how you formulate your questions. Incorrectly asked questions can not only Frustration but also negatively influence the conversation. By choosing and formulating the right questions, you can create an open and constructive atmosphere that benefits both sides. Avoid questions that put you on the defensive:

1️⃣ Are you achieving the specified goals?

Imagine that you are well prepared and already know the employee's results. A direct question about the targets can give the impression that you have not prepared sufficiently for the interview or that you are not really interested in the employee's performance. Instead, you should use open-ended questions to invite the employee to a detailed exchange. For example, ask: "Tell me about the recent successes you have achieved." This will not only allow you to learn more about the employee's actual achievements, but also to recognise how they themselves define success.

2️⃣ Could we discuss this at a later date?

When an employee raises a concern or asks a question, they expect an answer. If you need additional information to provide an informed response, communicate this clearly. Rather than simply deferring the issue, explain the need for clarification at a later date and give a specific timeframe for when you will get back to them. Thorough preparation can also help: Think in advance about what topics might be of interest to the employee and what questions or concerns they might have.

3️⃣ Could you please work on not putting off tasks so often?

Such vague formulations offer the employee little helpful information. For a constructive appraisal interview, you should be specific. Give concrete examples of situations in which delays have occurred and explain precisely which behaviours should be improved. Avoid general terms such as "always" and "everything" to avoid generalisations. This allows the employee to understand exactly what behaviour was problematic and how they can complete their tasks more efficiently in future.

4️⃣ How do you spend your free time?

Although a positive working relationship can certainly facilitate personal discussions, topics relating to the employee's personal interests should be avoided in an appraisal interview. Questions about hobbies or leisure activities are not necessarily relevant to the professional assessment. Even if the employer may have an interest in Wellbeing If the employee shows his or her personal details or wants to give advice, the focus should be on the professional aspects. The employee is not obliged to disclose private details.

5️⃣ Are you expecting a family change soon?

Questions about personal life plans such as pregnancy or family planning are not appropriate in an appraisal interview. Even if such topics could potentially have an impact on work, the employee is not obliged to provide information about them. On the contrary, they may feel compelled to provide false information in order to avoid possible disadvantages. Although a pregnant employee is obliged to inform her employer about her condition, she herself determines the timing of this information. Family planning issues should therefore not be the subject of an appraisal interview, as they are not directly related to job performance.

6️⃣ Why didn't the last project work?

This question only makes sense if the interview is specifically focussed on the project in question. An annual review, on the other hand, should provide a broader overview of general work performance. Ideally, the interview will focus on one main topic and other specific issues will be discussed separately. A general performance review should provide feedback on overall performance and working practices without confronting the employee with questions that present them in an unfavourable light. If you have identified the causes of the Failure of a specific project, plan a separate meeting for this purpose. Prepare well for this and give the employee enough time to reflect and develop proposed solutions.

7️⃣ Why were you ill for several weeks recently?

Questions about the exact nature of the illness are not permitted for data protection reasons. No specific diagnosis is stated on a certificate of incapacity for work. In the event of prolonged illness (more than eight months) and no prospect of improvement within the next two years, dismissal may be considered in order to avoid economic damage to the company. However, short-term illnesses are a private matter for the employee. Asking about the exact nature of the illness can place additional stress on the employee and lead to unpleasant situations. This could also lead to the employee being treated differently by superiors and colleagues, particularly in the case of mental illness.

Conducting successful appraisal interviews - a guide

In order to organise a successful appraisal interview, it is important to create the right conditions from the outset. Thorough preparation can make the difference between a productive meeting and an unsatisfactory one. Taking important factors into account will not only make the interview more effective, but also more enjoyable for both parties. Consider the following aspects:

Feedback from both sides 🗣️ Allow the employee to give feedback as well. This promotes open communication and strengthens trust.
Preparation 📋 Give the employee enough time to prepare and structure the interview clearly.
Appropriate framework 🌳 A relaxed setting, such as a walk or a chat around the corner, can improve the atmosphere and make the conversation easier.

7 questions for a trusting appraisal interview

The right questions promote dialogue and help to keep the conversation focused. Here are seven questionsthat can contribute to a productive appraisal interview:

1️⃣ Do you feel comfortable in a team?

This question gives the employee the opportunity to talk about their experiences and the Team dynamics to reflect. It provides you with valuable insights into possible areas for improvement and helps to promote a harmonious working environment.

2️⃣ What would you like to talk about?

By giving employees the opportunity to raise their own issues, you demonstrate your willingness to take their concerns seriously. This promotes open communication and can help to address important issues at an early stage.

3️⃣ What can I do to make you happy to continue working for us?

This question illustrates your interest in long-term satisfaction and Retention of the employee. It shows that you are prepared to take measures to improve working conditions and retain the employee in the company in the long term.

4️⃣ Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

This question will tell you what changes the employee would like to see and how these could possibly be implemented. This shows your willingness to respond to suggestions for improvement and to work together on further development.

5️⃣ Which project would you also like to have worked on?

This question gives you information about the employee's interests and potential strengths. It can help to better align future projects with the employee's skills and preferences.

6️⃣ Do you have any ideas on how you would like to develop personally?

By asking the employee for their career development ideas, you are supporting their career goals and showing your commitment to their professional development. This can lead to greater motivation and commitment.

7️⃣ What motivates you in particular at the moment?

This question helps to identify the employee's current sources of motivation. Understanding what motivates them can help you to utilise these motivational factors in a targeted manner and promote the employee accordingly.

Conduct staff appraisals "out of office"

Staff appraisals outside the office offer a refreshing change of pace and can significantly improve the atmosphere for dialogue. By holding an appraisal meeting in a less formal setting, such as on a walk or in a café, you create a more relaxed environment that makes it easier for employees to speak openly. This informal atmosphere can help break down barriers and allow for a more honest and productive conversation.

In addition, such discussions can show employees that their opinions are valued and that you are willing to take extra steps to take their concerns seriously. By holding staff appraisals "out of office", you not only encourage open communication, but also strengthen the relationship with your employees by showing that you care about their well-being and satisfaction.

Tools such as ZEP support employee appraisal management

Tools such as ZEP can facilitate the management of Working hours and Absences which in turn frees up time for valuable discussions. Use such tools to minimise administrative tasks and concentrate on the essential aspects of the appraisal interview.


An appraisal interview is a valuable opportunity for open communication and to improve working conditions. By avoiding taboo questions and using targeted questions, you can have a productive and motivating discussion. Tools such as ZEP help you to minimise administrative work and focus on the essentials. Use this opportunity to support your employees, understand their needs and work together on their further development.


What is the best way to prepare for an appraisal interview?

Thorough preparation is crucial to the success of an appraisal interview. Firstly, you should compile all relevant information and performance data on the employee. Think of specific examples of topics to be discussed and formulate clear objectives for the meeting. Prepare open questions that encourage the employee to reflect and promote a constructive discussion. It is also helpful to plan the framework and logistics of the meeting to ensure it runs smoothly.

How do I deal with difficult topics in appraisal interviews?

Difficult topics should be addressed with sensitivity and empathy. Start such conversations with a positive and supportive tone to create a constructive atmosphere. Use concrete examples and remain factual to avoid misunderstandings. It is important to listen to the employee and understand their perspective. Offer solutions and development opportunities together and emphasise that the aim of the conversation is to help and achieve improvements.

What are the advantages of "out of office" appraisals?

Staff appraisals outside the office can offer many benefits. The informal setting of a café or a walk creates a more relaxed atmosphere that makes the conversation more comfortable for the employee. This can lead to the employee speaking more openly and giving more honest feedback. Such conversations also show that you care about the employee's well-being and that you are willing to go the extra mile to maintain a good working relationship. This type of conversation can help break down barriers and improve communication.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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