Project time tracking

Digitalisation in controlling " Advantages & measures ✓

Even small steps can drive digitalisation in controlling. The result: process optimisation, committed employees & lasting project success.
Digitalisation in controlling " Advantages & measures ✓

Digitalisation has revolutionised management accounting by enabling more efficient processes, cost savings and faster results. In this article, we explore the benefits of digitalised controlling methods and the steps companies can take to make the most of these innovations.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

Changes in controlling
Implementing digitalisation in controlling
Digital helpers for time recording in controlling

How can digitalisation in controlling help you? All advantages at a glance

An outstanding advantage of digitalised controlling methods lies in the automation of time-consuming tasks. Because by 2024, the days of manual data entry will be a thing of the past. Furthermore, digitalisation in controlling also offers considerable benefits across departments:

Controlling in real time
  • Up-to-date data processing enables fast reactions and increases corporate agility.
  • Ideal for short-term decisions and forward-looking action.
Efficient processes
  • Automation reduces manual activities and creates space for in-depth analyses.
More transparency
  • Digital process documentation offers greater traceability and supports careful preparation and follow-up.
Valid results
  • Automated reporting enables customised analyses and increases the reliability of the results.
More flexibility
  • Digitalisation promotes flexible working models such as decentralised working and working from home.
Improved compliance
  • Integration of data sources and systems improves compliance through higher system integrity and quality of information.

How can digitalisation change the range of tasks in controlling?

Digitalisation will expand and restructure the range of tasks in controlling. In future, controllers will increasingly act as strategic advisors by using data insights for decision-making, better visualising results and using predictive analytics for corporate management. They will also play a key role in managing and adapting business processes and ensuring data integrity and compliance.

Step by step: How you can successfully implement digitalisation in controlling in your company

Even in small steps, the digitalisation of time recording and project controlling can offer you many advantages. To support companies in this transformation process and minimise potential risks, the tried-and-tested strategy of small steps is a good idea. What exactly does that mean?

Rather than aiming for a comprehensive switch to digital solutions all at once, companies are focusing on a step-by-step approach that allows them to manage the transition to digitalisation effectively. By introducing digital solutions gradually, you can evaluate your existing processes, set clear goals, prioritise, select the right tools and properly train your employees. This approach promotes acceptance of the change, enables you to achieve positive results quickly and creates the basis for successful digitalisation in time recording and project controlling. So don't miss the boat!

These are the steps involved:

Evaluation of the current processes

Start by assessing your existing time recording and project controlling processes. Where are there weak points? Are there any bottlenecks that could be improved through digitalisation? Tip: Set concrete - but realistic - goals that you want to achieve with the digital transformation. A small example: How do you currently handle approval processes, for example for leave, in your company? Your employees probably fill out their leave requests by hand, pass them on to the HR department and they manually note the requested times in your current system. The problem: leave slips often disappear. The solution: Use the automation possibilities of a software solution. Small step, big effect!

Prioritisation of the areas

Which areas in your company would benefit most from digitalisation? Focus on the areas that offer a high ROI (return on investment) and are relatively easy to implement at the same time. This will allow you to quickly achieve positive results and boost employee engagement. Your project controllers can keep track of several projects in less time, because the demand in meetings for all the necessary information is requested directly in the system at the click of a mouse. Subjectivity about the current status of projects is easily replaced by objective overviews and reports.

Choosing the right solution

Research digital tools for time recording and project controlling that meet your requirements. Pay attention to user-friendly Interfacesscalability and integration options with your existing IT infrastructure. And if you have any questions? Also consider the Customer support and the future development of the software solution.

Training & support for your employees

The introduction of new digital solutions requires training for your staff. Make sure your employees understand all the benefits of the software solution and are able to use the new tools effectively. For this purpose Webinars The provider's support is a major gain for acceptance and product understanding within your team. Make sure that you receive continuous support from the provider to ensure a smooth transition.

Stepwise implementation

It is best to introduce the selected solution step by step. For example, start with a pilot project or a small group of employees to test its effectiveness. Many providers have a free trial version their software solution for Time recording and project controlling, which you can put through its paces for a certain period of time. After the test phase, you can obtain feedback from your employees and adapt processes if necessary before using the tool for your entire organisation.

Digital helpers for time recording & controlling

Digitalisation in controlling is an important step for companies to further increase their productivity and competitiveness. The strategy of small steps offers a proven approach for successfully shaping this digital transformation. Take advantage of the benefits of automation and improved transparency to make informed decisions for your project business.

Where and how do you start? With ZEP, you have a comprehensive software solution for time recording and Project time tracking that supports you in the digitalisation and automation of your project business. You can use your Attendance electronically, track projects digitally, plan resources efficiently and optimise your Project budgets monitor. What if you could extract accurate and reliable data from the system at any time, so that you could Optimise processes? By dispensing with manual entries, you minimise sources of error with ZEP and guarantee your customers precise invoicing of all project hours worked - securely and in accordance with all the regulations of the new E-invoicing obligation. ZEP can be used to generate important key figures and reports that provide a better insight into the status of the projects and form the basis for a well-founded Project planning and decision-making.


Digitalisation in controlling increases the efficiency and competitiveness of your company. The automation of tasks enables faster data processing in real time, promotes rapid responses and increases business agility. More efficient processes and more transparent documentation offer more scope for analyses as well as greater traceability and reliability of results. Digitalisation also supports flexible working models and improves compliance through the integration of data sources and systems.

The introduction of digital solutions in controlling requires a step-by-step approach. By evaluating existing processes, prioritising digitalisation projects, selecting suitable tools and training employees, you can maximise the benefits of digitalisation. This strategic approach lays the foundation for the successful implementation and long-term use of digital technologies in controlling.


What role does controlling play in accounting?

Controlling plays an essential role in accounting, not only by analysing and monitoring the company's financial performance, but also by providing crucial data for financial planning and budgeting. By integrating controlling data, accounting processes can be optimised and well-founded financial decisions can be made.

Why is digitalisation so important?

Digitalisation in controlling is crucial for achieving efficiency gains, increasing the transparency of financial data and improving responsiveness to business developments. By automating processes and using modern technologies, companies can carry out faster and more precise analyses and make more informed strategic decisions.

Which technologies and tools are used for digitalisation in controlling?

For digitalisation in controlling, technologies such as PSA software for budgeting, forecasting and reporting. This enables seamless integration of data from different sources, automated processes and the generation of meaningful management information in real time.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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