ZEP Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news and trends around time tracking, project management, digitalisation, regulatory changes and much more.

Why do projects fail? - 7 reasons & solutions
Has your project failed or is it in danger of failing completely? This can be prevented in many cases! Find out the most common reasons why projects fail and how you can ensure your project runs smoothly with seven solutions.

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Writing a project report - content, structure & 1 helpful tool
A project report is nothing more than unnecessary bureaucracy? Far from it! Find out what functions it fulfils, how it should be structured and how you can optimise it with a tool like ZEP.

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To-do lists for project managers - 5 tips for greater efficiency
How can you make the most of to-do lists in project management? Find out how you can make your projects more efficient, create clear organisational structures and improve your time planning with 5 tips.

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Do you want to ensure the long-term success of your project? Find out here why you should rely on modern management, clear objectives and motivated teams.

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Stakeholder analysis in 4 steps + definition & tools! ✓
Are you planning a project but don't know your stakeholders? That can go very wrong. Rely on our 4-step plan for a detailed stakeholder analysis.

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Important changes for employees in 2024 - what you need to know
New year, new laws: Employees can look forward to some changes in 2024. These include an increase in the minimum wage - including for trainees - and changes to child sick pay.

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6 essential soft skills for project managers
Why are qualitative soft skills as well as measurable hard skills crucial success factors for project managers? Find out how ZEP supports the basic skills of your project managers so that your projects are realised profitably.

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Project time recording and ergonomics at the workplace
No more headaches in the office! Find out how ergonomic workplace design in conjunction with ZEP can turn your workforce into a healthy and efficient dream team.

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Time management and project time recording: The psychology of time
Project time tracking creates awareness, increases motivation and reduces stress. Overcome the time paradox with ZEP & increase your productivity.

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