Project time tracking

Time recording & project management: why it's important!

Find out why precise time recording is crucial in project management. From cost calculation to optimised resource planning - discover how you can successfully complete projects with efficient time management.
Time recording & project management: why it's important!

Transparency and careful planning are crucial for completing projects reliably, successfully and economically. In addition to project planning and task management, project time tracking plays a central role. Read this article to find out why time tracking is so essential in projects and how you can best manage it.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

Which times need to be booked?
Book project times via software
ZEP facilitates project management
What does project management software cost?

Why is time recording so important for project management?

A precise Time recording in project management is essential to ensure the success of a project. It enables reliable cost calculation, efficient management of working hours and capacity utilisation and the creation of precise reports. This enables you to complete your projects not only economically, but also on time, while at the same time ensuring that you have the right Set priorities.

Optimum resource planning: manage working times and capacity utilisation with ease

The Work time tracking in projects is crucial in order to Resource planning and employee utilisation optimally. The precise recording of hours per task and project provides a clear picture of the progress of the project and the remaining work. A solid data basis makes it possible to better estimate capacities, balance the workload of employees and thus reduce stress, increase efficiency and boost team motivation.

Reliable cost calculation: avoid additional costs

The saying "time is money" is particularly true in complex project management, where precise time planning is essential in order to utilise resources efficiently. A continuous Project time tracking helps to keep an eye on the workload at all times, which ensures reliable controlling and a correct Invoicing is crucial. This allows you to ensure that agreed time budgets are adhered to and additional costs are avoided.

Reporting: Always have an overview of the project's success

A clear overview of expenditure is not only an advantage during the project, but also beyond. By comparing the work carried out with the original Project planning This results in detailed reporting that helps to set the right priorities. Precise estimation of the remaining workload enables optimal utilisation of free resources and improves time management, avoiding delays and distractions from the essentials.

What times should you book for project management?

Effective project management requires precise time recording for various activities in order to optimise cost and resource management. The following list shows important times that should be recorded for project management:

✅ Construction work
✅ Telephone calls in connection with projects
✅ Purchasing times for the project
✅ Project-related meetings
✅ Training and further education
✅ Services
Travel expenses
✅ Other project-related activities

By allocating these times to specific cost centres, cost units, customers or suppliers, ZEP enables precise project monitoring and billing, allowing cost structures to be managed transparently and efficiently.

How to book times with project time recording software

Modern project time recording software offers companies flexible solutions for recording working times efficiently. You can either use a web-based SaaS solution from the cloud or run the software locally on your own server. With Time recording terminals or installations on PCs, your employees can record their working times directly and accurately. The use of Time recording apps is possible, which further increases the flexibility and accessibility of the solution.

Time recording software - ZEP makes project management easier for you!

Modern time tracking software such as ZEP is revolutionising project management by making traditional methods such as time clocks and timesheets superfluous. With ZEP, you can easily and flexibly record your project times online, whether in the office or on the go with the ZEP app. Our web-based solution enables centralised management of all time records and also offers the option to manage various Additional modules to integrate. Test our tool 30 days free of charge and without obligation to convince yourself of the benefits for your company.

The following Functions make project management with ZEP easier for you - we answer your most important questions:

Question Answer
How can I ensure that employees do not forget their clock-in times? In ZEP, create a Automatic task for clocking out on. This ensures that the times are automatically recorded correctly.
Where can I see how my employees have clocked in? Use the "Come/go evaluation" in ZEP Clock or in the module Attendance of ZEP Compact & Professional to see whether your employees have clocked in via the browser, the app or the terminal.
Can I enter holiday days in ZEP retrospectively, even if I am introducing ZEP for the first time? Yes, with the module Overtime, Absences & Holidays you can All absencesincluding holidays, can also be entered and managed retrospectively.
Why do I find a seasonal worker from
not in ZEP last year?
Make sure that the Period of employment far enough into the past to make the seasonal worker visible again.
What can I do if no one has
times on a project?
Check whether Each project is assigned a task is available for booking times and make sure that the project duration and the Status set up correctly are. Then assign the employees the role of project team member.
How can I change the break regulation in ZEP
change from 45 to 30 minutes?
Simply place a new validity period or assign a new standard working time to the employee concerned.
How do I cancel an invoice in ZEP?


Use the module Invoicing in ZEP Professional and select the "Cancel" option in the invoice area from.
How do I ensure that an employee who starts in mid-January only has 29 days' holiday? Use the Overtime, Absences & Holidays module to manage the Holiday entitlement for the selected period.
How do I enter the payment of my employees' overtime in ZEP? Use the Overtime, Absences & Holidays module and the function "Compensatory overtime, holidays: Compensated overtime"to properly record the payment of overtime.
How do I prevent freelancers from being notified if they do not book their times? In ZEP Compact or Professional, use the module Freelancers employee categories and assign certain employees to this category. Then, in the Task "Employee information" that these employees are not notified if they forget to clock in.
How will I be notified if the target figures in a project are exceeded? In ZEP Compact or Professional, use the module Planned hours enter a planned hours note in the project. You will then receive a E-mail a notification when a certain Number of planned hours exceeded becomes.

ZEP can make your work easier in many respects and optimise your project management. Project work is teamwork. And we see ourselves as your competent partner when it comes to providing the right software.


Precise time recording in project management not only enables you to reliably calculate costs and efficiently plan resources, but also to create meaningful reports. This allows you to complete projects economically and on time, while at the same time balancing the workload of your employees and increasing team motivation. Precise project time recording enables you to fulfil your Duty of care as an employer in every respect. Modern project time recording software such as ZEP makes these processes much easier for you and offers flexible solutions for efficient management of your project times.


What are the best project management tools?

The best project management tools are characterised by features that enable comprehensive project planning, monitoring and execution. They typically offer task management, time and resource tracking and reporting features to complete projects efficiently and successfully. Modern solutions such as ZEP also offer specialised modules for project time tracking and resource planning.

For whom are project management tools worthwhile?

Project management tools are particularly suitable for companies and organisations that need to plan, implement and monitor complex projects. They help to record project times efficiently, optimise the use of resources and manage costs transparently. Smaller teams and large organisations alike benefit from the structure and increased efficiency that such tools offer.

What does project management software cost?

The cost of project management software varies depending on the range of functions, number of users and type of implementation. For small companies and start-ups, many providers offer flexible pricing models that are often charged monthly per user. Larger companies that require extensive functions and integrations can expect higher costs, often due to additional modules or special customisations. In our free Price calculator you can easily calculate your monthly costs for ZEP.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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