Work time tracking

ZEP Clock " Efficient time recording for your company

Our digital time clock ZEP Clock supports you in easily recording your working time. This walkthrough guides you step by step through the initial setup.
ZEP Clock " Efficient time recording for your company

With our digital time clock, you can record your working hours completely without annoying paperwork - simply via web or app. Today we'll take you on a journey to your ZEP Clock and explain step by step how you can easily set it up for the first time. So, let's start zeping!

Table of contents - What you can expect:

Initial setup of ZEP Clock
Flexible time recording
Absence management & analyses

Digital Time Recording - The way to your ZEP Clock

With ZEP Clock, you can dispense with time-consuming analyses and always have an overview of your employees' working times. If you would like to click directly into the tool, you will find the 30-day free trial here. ZEP test version - free of charge and without obligation.

The initial setup of ZEP Clock naturally starts on the start page. The system always requires an administrator. This role is usually taken on by HR managers or managing directors. Once you have set yourself up as an admin, you will automatically land on the configuration page in ZEP Clock. Where can you find this page? At the top right there is a button called My trial version. This is the right place for you.

In this Tutorial we give you all the information you need from stamping to Break regulation to the most important evaluation options in the basic version of ZEP Clock.

Keeping track - How to manage presences in ZEP Clock

If you, as the administrator, have set the authorisations for the Attendance of your employees in ZEP Clock, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > Presence.
  2. Here you can set that the time recording of your employees is initially only carried out by clocking in and out and not by manual entries.
  3. You can also specify that employees can view their working times in the evaluation area.

If you want to create exceptions for certain employees:

  1. Go to Employees and click on the name of the relevant employee.
  2. At Settings > Change Details > Force Time Recording via ZEP Clock App Select the "No" option if the employee should also record their times manually.

Flexible time recording - How to clock in and out in ZEP Clock

Due to the BAG time clock judgement you and your employees must record working times. Basically, with ZEP Clock you have 3 possibilities for the Work time tracking.

Option 1 - Stamping via ZEP terminal 🕒

If you have one of our ZEP Time recording terminals you and your colleagues can conveniently clock in using an RFID chip when entering the company and our terminal automatically transmits the data to ZEP Clock using https encryption. When you leave, you also clock out again in the same way.

Option 2 - Stamping via app 📱

With the ZEP Clock App for Android and iOS you and your employees have the time clock in your trouser pocket at all times. This is particularly practical if you have employees working in the field, as they can conveniently via app record their times without using the web front end. Of course, every minute is still synchronised.

Option 3 - Stamping via the web 💻

In the ZEP Clock web frontend, you and your employees can easily start and end working hours - even when flexible working time models. The button for clocking in and out is located at the top right of your ZEP Clock, next to the circle with the initials of the logged-in employee.

To determine who is authorised to clock in and out via the web:

  1. Go to Employees > Administration and select the name of the employee.
  2. Click on data and then to Settings > Change Details.
  3. Tick the box next to Start/stop presence in the web interface.

You can now individually define who is authorised to use time recording via the web front end.

Break management - How the break regulation works in ZEP Clock

As an admin, you can change the break regulations under Administration > Master data > Working times > Break regulations set.

Break regulations are important for organising your employees' working day and meeting legal requirements. You must set these rules manually so that all legal break requirements are met.

In ZEP Clock, you can specify which minimum pauses should apply.

The German minimum standard is preset by default:

From 6 hours of work: 30 minutes break
From 9 hours of work: 45 minutes break

You can also define core working times for each break regulation. If you click on Change break regulation you can set further options, such as whether minimum breaks should be deducted automatically if the maximum working time is exceeded. Remember that changes to the break regulations only take effect from the next day.

In this Tutorial we explain to you what you need to consider and set when regulating breaks.

Working time management - How to use all the evaluation options in ZEP Clock

Let us explain working time recording with ZEP Clock more clearly. With ZEP Clock, you can view your employees' working hours in detail.

Display stamp times:

Go to My ZEP > Analyses > Coming/Going.

Here you can select the period for which you would like to see the clock-in times of your employees.

As an administrator, you can make changes in this view, but please note: your employees' stamps cannot be deleted.

Display effective working time:

Go to My ZEP > Evaluations > Working time evaluation.

Select the period to display the effective working time for this period.

Evaluate employee times:

Go to Employees > Evaluations.

Here you can analyse your employees' times for different periods, from the employment period to the end of the month. You can also export or import working times.

This gives you a comprehensive overview of your employees' working hours.

Holiday management - How to maximise your recovery with ZEP Clock

Now let's talk about holidays! In ZEP Clock this is Absenteeism management very easily so that you can see all absences at a glance.

Apply for leave of absence:
  1. In your ZEP calendar, click on the day on which the absence is to begin.
  2. Select "New absence time".
  3. Indicate the type of absence (e.g. holiday, illness) and for what period.

The process is the same for you as admin and also for your employees.

Manage absence requests:
  1. If your employees have submitted an absence request, you as admin will receive an e-mail with a link to ZEP. You can use this to approve or reject the request.
  2. You can also process applications directly in ZEP: Go to My ZEP > Evaluations > Absenteeism requeststo approve or reject your employees' applications.

Concrete example: ZEP Clock in practice

ZEP Clock offers practical support in day-to-day business, especially for time recording and the management of Absenteeism. Here is a concrete example of how our software can help Bernd, the administrator of a cleaning company (Person & company are fictitious, but exemplary for many smaller companies), on a daily basis.

Bernd starts his working day by clocking in on his PC in ZEP Clock. While his employees are already on site at the customers and clock in and out flexibly via the mobile app, Bernd can track who has already clocked in and which customers the employees are at any time. As the administrator, he has an overview and control, even if an employee, such as the trainee, has not clocked out properly the day before. Thanks to ZEP Clock's automatic clock-out function, Bernd is regularly notified if corrections need to be made.

ZEP Clock also helps Bernd to keep an eye on the working hours of his part-time employees. He receives timely information as soon as a certain number of hours is reached and can thus manage overtime efficiently. These functions ensure that Bernd remains more relaxed and can carry over any overtime into the following month without having to worry about adhering to working hours.


ZEP Clock offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for working time recording and absence management. The flexible time recording via terminal, app and web as well as the simple management of break regulations and absences make everyday working life much easier.

Thanks to the integrated evaluation and notification functions, you always have an overview and can intervene in good time if necessary. With ZEP Clock, you save time and reduce administrative work, giving you and your team more time for the essentials.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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