Project digitization for consultancies & consulting teams

Made by consultants for consultants. That is why expense recording, workload management and project billing are our mother tongue. With ZEP, document chaos, missing project times and manual reporting and billing are a thing of the past.

4.7 out of 5 stars on ProvenExpert

More than 2,000 companies rely on ZEP

Natuvion LogoMercedes LogoBabymarky LogoHhp Berlin LogoTesla LogoLVMH Logo
Natuvion LogoMercedes LogoBabymarky LogoHhp Berlin LogoTesla LogoLVMH Logo
Natuvion LogoMercedes LogoBabymarky LogoHhp Berlin LogoTesla LogoLVMH Logo

Project transactions Control from offer to invoice

With ZEP, you can record working and project times completely without paperwork.

Mobile time recording

Record working hours on projects and customers

Use a browser or app to record working time on projects, customers & activities. Easy approval and control by managers is complemented by smart features relating to break times, travel times and multiple entries.

Digital management of project business

Control offers, resources, and billing

Manage your project business from quotation to invoicing. Integrate planning of personnel resources and project budgets for seamless forecasting and comprehensive transparency.

Detailed evaluations and reports

Transparency about project progress and costs

Generate detailed reports on the progress and costs of your projects. Identify budget discrepancies early on and adjust your strategy to keep projects profitable.

modular software

ZEP as part of your technical infrastructure

Manage freelancers directly in ZEP and benefit from integrations with CRM and HR systems for synchronous data maintenance. Additional modules allow flexible adjustment to your specific project requirements.

ZEP Logo

Working and project hours Record in accordance with the law

Try it free for 30 days
No credit card required
Made in Germany

Successful consultancies use ZEP

LBBW Asset Management Investment-Gesellschaft mbH

165 employees have an overview of all project data

ZEP Professional
201-500 Mitarbeiter
Sonstige Branche

AB projects GmbH

Making project successes measurable - software supports IT service providers

ZEP Professional
11-50 Mitarbeiter

sovanta AG

Cloud-based project time recording overcomes limits

ZEP Professional
51-200 Mitarbeiter

Our recommended product configuration

Expandable as required.

Working time recording

ZEP Professional

/per user
time recording
employee administration
customer management
project planning
project management
Sales & cost calculation
Travel expense report
Project controlling
Unlimited reports
Automated workflows
Mobile app & browser
Numerous integrations
Modularly expandable
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More than 2,000 companies already rely on ZEP

The time tracking of choice — from startups to large corporations.

“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

district manager

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT consultant

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

district manager

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT consultant

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR Manager

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT Consultant

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

District Manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR Manager

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT Consultant

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

District Manager

Integrate ZEP into your setup

We ensure that ZEP is in harmony with the rest of your IT infrastructure.

ZEP interface

Standardised data exchange using SOAP and REST

Personio Logo


Transfer of ZEP time bookings and Personio master data

Excel export

Standardised exports in XLS and CSV formats

View all interfaces


Frequently asked questions and answers about ZEP Clock

Unsere Unternehmensberatung arbeitet häufig mit freien Beratern. Können wir ZEP trotzdem nutzen?

Ja, wenn Sie gemeinsam als Team in ein und demselben ZEP arbeiten, können Sie Freelancer direkt als solche kennzeichnen, interne Stunden- und Tagessätze je externem Berater und/oder Projekt hinterlegen und auswählen, ob ein freier Berater Rechnungen stellt oder Gutschriften erhält.

Kann ich ein Projekt von A bis Z durchplanen?

Ja, mit dem Modul Planstunden definieren Sie Stunden und Leistungen bereits vor Projektstart. So sichern Sie sich nicht nur eine bedarfsgerechte Projektplanung, sondern ermöglichen Ihren Beratern und Projektleitern auch ein professionelles Projekt-Controlling.

Können Berater Reisekosten über ZEP erfassen?

Ja, mit dem Modul Reisekosten erfassen Ihre Berater ihre Reisedaten gemeinsam mit den Projektzeiten. Belege, wie etwa Hotelrechnungen, Taxiquittungen oder Bahntickets können den jeweiligen Projekten oder Kunden einfach zugeordnet werden. Als Verantwortlicher bestimmen Sie die Reisekostenregelung zur Weiterverrechnung je Projekt.

In welche Systeme kann die Projektzeiterfassung integriert werden?

In einer stetig zunehmend digitalisierten Unternehmenswelt,  möchten wir sicherstellen, dass ZEP mit dem Rest Ihrer IT- Infrastruktur harmoniert. Neben unseren standardisierten ZEP-Schnittstellen (SOAP & REST) binden wir auch stetig neue Partner mit direkten Schnittstellen an. Von Hubspot über Personio bis hin zu Salesforce für den Datenaustausch mit dem Rest der Welt​. Erfahren Sie hier alles über ZEP-Schnittstellen.

Kann ich Arbeitszeit Projekten oder Kunden zuordnen?

Ja, das geht ohne Probleme und ist ein Kernbestandteil von ZEP. Auch das Nachtragen von Projektzeiten ist möglich. Einzelne Projekte können beliebig erstellt werden, sodass es ein bestimmtes Projekt für einen Kunden gibt.

Warum Projektzeiterfassung?

Weil Zeit Geld ist. Ihr Fokus sollte auf Ihrem Tagesgeschäft liegen und nicht auf administrativen Tätigkeiten. Besonders wenn Sie für Ihre Kunden und Auftraggeber projektorientiert arbeiten und letztendlich Ihre Arbeitszeiten in Rechnung stellen, so ist es für die erfolgreiche Projektdurchführung wichtig, die geleisteten Zeiten jederzeit im Blick zu haben und diese exakt und vollständig abzurechnen. Excel-Sheets oder Stundenzettel, werden in der Handhabung und Auswertung schnell unübersichtlich, fehlerträchtig und aufwändig.

Was ist ZEP?

ZEP steht für Zeiterfassung für Projekte und bietet mit den beiden Produkten ZEP Professional und ZEP Compact eine leistungsfähige und intuitiv bedienbare Software-Lösung zur projektorientierten Arbeitszeiterfassung, Reisekostenabrechnung, Projektplanung, Projekt-Controlling, Ressourcenplanung, Rechnungsstellung und vieles mehr.

Discover the possibilities of ZEP

ZEP is powerful, easy to use and can adapt to your needs. See for yourself!

Hosting and development in Germany
Try it out for 30 days without obligation