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Digital personnel file” Regulations, structure & benefits!

Find out how the digital personnel file makes your personnel management more efficient and compliant with data protection regulations! All benefits and regulations - here in the blog.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Digital personnel records are revolutionizing modern personnel management and are increasingly replacing traditional paper records. Through digitization, companies benefit from faster, location-independent access to important documents, which is particularly advantageous when working from home.

In this article, you will learn which documents belong in the digital personnel file, which originals should continue to be kept and how the smooth transition to digital archiving can be achieved. Get valuable insights into the most important regulations and the numerous benefits that a digital personnel file offers.

What is a digital personnel file?

A digital personnel file is the electronic version of the traditional personnel file in which all relevant documents and data of an employee are digitally stored. Companies that digitize their personnel files benefit from more efficient administration and faster access to documents. The electronic personnel file makes it possible to store information centrally and search it with just a few clicks, which significantly simplifies the process of digitizing a personnel file.

Is a digital personnel file mandatory?

Currently, many employers still keep paperwork but have Up to 2026 Time to switch to electronic storage. Until then, they can apply for an exemption from the digital obligation by submitting applications to the audit service of the German Pension Insurance. Further details are regulated by the new Section 8 paragraph 3 BVV, while Section 9a BVV sets out common principles of social security institutions. There is therefore currently no legal obligation to maintain a digital personnel file. However, since January 2022, employers have been required to keep certain payroll documents digitally, which makes it increasingly necessary to switch to a digital personnel file. These documents include in particular:

These requirements are set out in the Contribution Procedure Ordinance (BVV) And in Seventh Act amending the Fourth Book of the Social Code Defined. Employers should ensure that these and other relevant pay documents comply with current legal requirements and are managed digitally.

All benefits at a glance

The Switch to a Digital Personnel File offers numerous advantages that go far beyond the mere need for space and paper. It not only optimizes your work processes, but also strengthens Data Protection and efficiency in the HR department.

Here are the most important benefits of a digital personnel file at a glance:

With these benefits, you not only increase the efficiency of your company, but also promote a modern and future-oriented corporate culture.

Structure & Requirements: What all goes into a digital personnel file?

A well-organized digital personnel file requires a clear structure to efficiently manage all relevant information. Regardless of its form, the following content should be included in a structured electronic personnel file:

It is important to note that sensitive personal information such as political views, social media activities, trade union membership, or medical records should not be included in the digital personnel file. The structure of the electronic personnel file should be designed to preserve the privacy of employees and to store only service-relevant documents.

Retention periods: This applies to companies!

Companies must also strictly comply with the legal retention periods for digital personnel files:

Payroll tax-relevant documents

Social security contribution statements

Supporting Documents of Minimum Wage Payments

After an employee leaves, other content should be kept until possible claims arising from the employment relationship, their Limitation period 3 years Amounts, are excluded.

This must be considered when digitizing personnel files and data protection!

When digitizing personnel files, strict data protection regulations must be met:

Secure Electronic Encryption 🔒Personal data must be stored securely and encrypted to prevent unauthorized accessAccess only for authorized persons 🔑Only persons with a legitimate, work-related interest may have access to personnel files.Audit-proof storage ✅The data must be stored in such a way that it is unalterable and comprehensible at all timesEmployee consent ✍️Employees must expressly consent to the digital collection and storage of their data.Compliance with Retention Periods 📅Personnel files must be kept for at least 3 years after the end of the employment relationship; in some cases, longer periods apply.Right of Inspection of Employees 👁️Employees have the right to view their personnel files and can call in a member of the works council.


The digitization of personnel files represents a significant step forward in personnel management, which offers companies numerous advantages, from Process optimization Up to location-independent access to important documents. In order to make the transition to digital personnel files successful, it is essential to comply with legal regulations and ensure that data protection and retention periods are strictly met.


Do employees have to agree to a digital personnel file?

Yes, employees must expressly consent to the digital collection and storage of their personal data. This is necessary to comply with data protection regulations and to ensure that personal data is processed lawfully. The consent should be documented and employees should be informed of their rights.

How do I create a digital personnel file?

To create a digital personnel file, you must first have all relevant documents and data available in digital form. You then choose a suitable software solution that helps you structure and encrypt the documents and manage the required authorizations. Make sure that all legal storage and data protection regulations are met.

Which companies benefit in particular from digital personnel files?

Companies that manage a large number of employees or have multiple locations in particular benefit from digital personnel files. Companies that enable remote work or flexible working hours also benefit from the availability of documents anywhere and anytime. In addition, companies that want to make their processes more efficient and strengthen data protection benefit significantly from digital administration.

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