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HR digitization: tips for your company + tools

Increase your efficiency with HR digitization using tools such as Personio and ZEP. Learn how you can optimize processes while maintaining the human touch.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Digital transformation is no longer just a trend, but a necessity for companies that want to survive in the modern competitive environment. Digitalization influences all areas of a company, but in particular HR. HR organizations are faced with the challenge of using digital technologies effectively to optimize processes, improve employee retention and establish a sustainable corporate culture.

In this context, key questions arise: How can HR successfully implement digitization? Which tools and strategies help to modernize HR processes and at the same time meet the new requirements of the working world? In this article, we give you valuable tips and introduce you to helpful tools to make your HR digital and take advantage of the benefits of HR digitization.

Digitalization in HR: What are the current positions of companies?

In recent years, it has been shown that digitization is only slowly progressing in many companies, although its importance is constantly growing. The Digitalization index Makes it clear that numerous industries and regions are stagnating or even recording declines. This also applies to HR management, which urgently needs to benefit from optimization and digitization potential in order to be able to better meet challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers.

Focus on all the benefits of digitization in the HR sector

The digitization of operational HR tasks offers numerous benefits that not only increase productivity and agility, but also significantly improve the employee experience. The use of modern platforms and tools makes HR management more efficient, flexible and secure. Here is an overview of the most important benefits:

✅ Improved employee experience through modern, digital experiences

✅ Automate manual work and time-consuming processes

✅ Easy access to personnel files and quick creation of complex documents

✅ Self-service options and knowledge portals for employee inquiries

✅ Transparent HR processes with tracking of the status of inquiries

✅ 24/7 processing of inquiries, regardless of location

Which processes can be digitized in HR?

Digitalization offers numerous opportunities to make HR processes more efficient and flexible. From optimizing recruiting to improving employer branding to automating personnel administration — there are suitable digital HR solutions for almost every area. These tools can make everyday work much easier and create space for innovative approaches.

How to digitize the HR sector in your company: The best tips!

Digitalizing your HR department doesn't have to be a complicated process. With the right approaches and a few targeted tips, you can get started quickly and efficiently. From choosing the right tools to implementing specific measures — here you can find out how to successfully digitize your personnel management and thus make it future-proof:

Automate HR processes 🤖

To increase the efficiency of your HR department, it is crucial to optimize time-consuming and repetitive tasks through automation. One important area that can benefit from digitization is Working time recordingWhich since Time clock verdict of the Federal Labor Court of September 13, 2022 Is mandatory in Germany.

By using digital tools, errors can be minimized and the entire process can be significantly accelerated. In addition, systems such as digital applicant management solutions and electronic signatures offer further options for making standard processes more efficient and freeing up valuable resources.

Create a digital application process 📱

The framework conditions in recruiting have changed due to Shortage of skilled workers and significantly changed the changes in the world of work. A digital application process helps you improve the candidate experience and identify suitable candidates more quickly. Use modern tools such as CV parsing, applicant scores, and digital signatures to speed up the process and not lose potential employees to the competition.

Digitize Your Personnel Management 💡

The digitization of personnel management is crucial not only to attract new talent, but also to retain existing employees in the long term. Young, tech-savvy generations in particular expect modern, digital processes in companies. By using digital tools in talent management, you can better promote the skills of your employees and create transparent, comprehensible development paths that lead to Employee Retention Contribute.

Digitally Design Employee Training 📚

Digitalization offers numerous opportunities to make the continuing education of your employees effective and flexible. E-learning platforms, online seminars, and digital learning resources enable your team members to learn as needed and at their own pace. Make sure to establish clear access regulations and targeted management of learning content so that all relevant employees can use the appropriate resources without blocking each other.

It's the mix that counts — ZEP & Personio as a recipe for success for your company

Since 2018, we have been working continuously to optimize the interface Between Personio and ZEP to make the two tools more effective. An important function for the efficiency of the HR department is the central recording of all employee data, including working hours. With ZEP, you can work regularly and Project times Easy to record and remain thanks to features such as a reliable Break regulation On the safe side.

Working time is conveniently recorded via our mobile apps Or the ZEP terminal and is automatically synchronized between the various media — also thanks to integration with Personio.

Intersection found — use interface

And now let's get into the details. After exploring the common interface and developing the interface, we are already offering numerous customers the following functions together with Personio:

user deployment

When you integrate Personio and ZEP, new employees can be automatically added to ZEP when they are hired in Personio. Simply choose whether you want to add all new employees or just selected groups — for a quick and efficient OnboardingThat is tailored to your needs. For example, your employees can use these groups in Home office Be, for which the Time recording Is sufficient in Personio. On the other hand, your local employees have the opportunity to stamp themselves at the ZEP terminal.

Employee life cycle

Employees in Personio can be automatically compared with the corresponding ZEP users. Whenever employee data changes in Personio, it can also be updated directly in ZEP — based on your predefined ID. This ensures that your employee information is always up to date.

Deactivating users

When an employee leaves the company, the corresponding ZEP user is automatically deactivated in Personio based on the resignation date.

Time management

Absence and attendance times, including sophisticated break regulations, are automatically compared between ZEP and Personio — regardless of whether they are via the apps or the Time recording terminal Be covered by ZEP. You decide which employee records their time and where.

HR digitization: What challenges need to be overcome?

Digitalization in the HR sector can pose various challenges. The following table provides an overview of these challenges and possible solutions to successfully overcome them:

Costs and EffortIntroduction of new software tools requires investments and training for employees


Carry out a long-term cost-benefit analysis; emphasize that the additional expenditure is quickly amortized through time and resource savings.Data ProtectionStricter requirements imposed by the GDPR make handling applicant and personnel data more complicated. Ensure GDPR-compliant applicant management; use detailed information in the e-book on digitization in recruiting.Lack of internal expertiseLack of expertise in the company about digitization topics and tools. Determine a small project team or someone responsible for the changeover; seek external advice.Shortage of budget and timeInadequate budget or lack of time to switch to digital systems. Carry out a detailed cost-benefit analysis; present facts about long-term savings and increased efficiency.Criticism from ManagementManagement skepticism about the necessity and benefits of digitization. Present studies and examples that illustrate the relevance and opportunities of digitization for competitiveness.Inadequate tool knowledgeAmbiguity about which digital tools are best for the company. Use test options, read vendor comparisons and interview reference customers; involve IT department to select tools.

Is digital transformation making HR more impersonal?

Progressive digitization in the HR department raises concerns that humanity could fall by the wayside. In fact, digitization offers the opportunity to automate time-consuming administrative tasks and thus gain more time for important, human interactions. People remain central in HR; it is more important to engage with new technologies and develop new competencies in order to improve the quality of personnel support.


Digitalization in the HR sector has long been indispensable and offers much more than just technological advances. It enables a significant increase in efficiency by automating time-consuming administrative tasks and thus freeing up valuable resources. Tools such as Personio and ZEP play a decisive role in this: While Personio optimizes comprehensive personnel management and applicant management, ZEP ensures precise and easy recording of working time and effective time management. This integration of ZEP with Personio simplifies the management of working hours and personnel files and ensures seamless synchronization between different systems.

Despite the initial challenges — from costs and data protection to internal expertise and management skepticism — the long-term benefits prevail. Digitalization strengthens your company's competitiveness by speeding up processes, improving the employee experience and at the same time meeting the changing demands of the working world. While technology takes on routine tasks, people remain at the center: HR professionals can focus on the essential human aspects and thus promote employee satisfaction and engagement.

Take a proactive approach to digitization, use modern tools such as Personio and ZEP, and create a work environment that remains both efficient and human. With the right strategy and the right technologies, your HR department will be ready for the future and can make optimal use of the opportunities offered by digital transformation.


Which software is best suited for digitizing HR processes?

Comprehensive and integrated software solutions such as Personio and ZEP are particularly suitable for digitizing HR processes. Personio offers comprehensive functions for personnel management and applicant management, while ZEP optimizes working time recording and time management. The combination of these tools enables efficient and seamless management of all HR-relevant processes.

Which data protection guidelines do you have to pay attention to when digitizing HR?

When digitizing HR processes, it is important to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in particular with regard to the processing and storage of applicant and personal data. Make sure that all tools and systems used are GDPR-compliant and that appropriate security measures are taken to protect personal data.

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