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Process optimization” 8 methods and tools at a glance

Discover 8 methods for process optimization now! We will provide you with valuable tips & the best tools for your company.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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In a world where time is money and efficiency is the key to success, companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their processes. One of the most effective ways to increase efficiency and productivity is to introduce software to Project time recording. In this blog article, we will look at exactly how using project time recording software can help your company optimize processes.

What is process optimization?

Process optimization is the systematic analysis and improvement of business processes in order to increase the efficiency, quality and productivity of your team. The aim is to simplify processes, reduce costs and increase customer and employee satisfaction.

8 methods for process optimization: For more efficiency in your company

There are various approaches to optimizing business processes that your team can use to reduce inefficiencies. Which method is used in your company depends on why a change in process management is necessary and to what extent you want to improve your processes.

1. What is behind the Six Sigma Method?

Six Sigma is a process optimization method developed to minimize the number of deviations in the end product. Launched by Bill Smith at Motorola in 1986, Six Sigma is based on statistical data to measure and improve the efficiency of processes. A process is considered optimized if it has less than 3.4 errors per million cycles.

The method is often used in the manufacturing industry to reduce errors and inconsistencies, which in turn contributes to customer satisfaction. The DMAIC method is often used here to improve existing processes:

DMAIC phase descriptionDefineIdentify opportunities for process improvement.MeasureRecord and evaluate the performance of current processes.AnalyzeInvestigate the process to identify errors and their causes. ImproveDevelop and implement measures to address the identified causes. ControlMonitor the optimized processes and ensure that future deviations are minimized.

Most of the improvements occur during the analysis phase, in which tools such as the cause-effect diagram are used to visualize the underlying problems and their causes.

2. What is continuous improvement (Kaizen)?

Kaizen, a Japanese philosophy of life and work, promotes continuous improvement to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. This principle can also be transferred to companies by making them more successful through continuous improvement. The goal of Kaizen is to optimize value-adding activities and eliminate waste.

Kaizen identified three types of waste, which must be eliminated:

🚮 Muda (waste): Activities that consume resources but do not add value.

⚖️ Mura (imbalance): Waste due to overproduction, such as excess products.

‍ 🏋️ Muri (Overload): Overuse of resources, such as worn out machines or overworked employees.

3. Why should you use the 5 Why method?

The 5-Why Method is a process optimization technique that aims to identify the actual cause of a problem. The process is simple: You gather a group of stakeholders who are confronted with the problem and repeatedly ask the question “Why? “to gradually get to the root of the problem. This method focuses on systematic weaknesses in the process and not on individual misconduct, which is the core of the 5-why method for process improvement. To make this method a bit more tangible, let's take the following example:

Problem: Production slows down regularly

In this example, the 5-Why method shows that the cause of the problem lies in the lack of budget planning for additional maintenance personnel. This means that future production expansion requires an adjustment of the budget to ensure machine maintenance. By using the 5-Why method, the team can take targeted measures to avoid similar problems in the future and improve production efficiency.

4. How does Total Quality Management (TQM) improve company quality?

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a customer-oriented method that aims at continuous improvement over time. TQM is frequently used, particularly in supply chain management and in projects that are aimed at customer satisfaction. This method relies heavily on data-based decisions and performance indicators to optimize processes and solve problems.

A central feature At TQM, customer orientation is the main goal of End customer satisfaction to maximize. Each process change is reviewed to see how it affects the customer experience. In addition, TQM receives the entire team into the improvement process, including departments such as sales and marketing, to achieve comprehensive quality improvements. The continuous improvement process (CIP) plays a decisive role in this by making small, continuous adjustments to increase efficiency and adaptability to external changes.

TQM attaches great importance to data-based process optimization. By systematically collecting and analyzing data, inefficiencies can be identified and targeted improvement measures can be taken. In contrast to methods such as Six Sigma, which focus primarily on minimizing deficiencies, the focus of TQM is on reducing inefficiencies to improve the overall performance of processes.

5th PDCA cycle: A tool for successful process optimization?

The PDCA (Plan/Do/Check/Act) cycle is an iterative problem-solving strategy that is used to improve processes and implement changes. It was developed by Walter Shewhart, who used the scientific method for economic quality control. W. Edwards Deming later expanded the concept to also use it for process optimization.

The PDCA cycle comprises four essential steps:

Step descriptionPlan (Plan) Identify the problem and create a plan to solve it.Do (Perform) Test the plan and execute it on a small scale.Check (Verify) Evaluate the test results from the execution phase.Act (Act) Decide whether to fully implement the change based on the verification results.

PDCA is a continuous process improvement cycle that is repeated until the desired result is achieved.

6. Lean manufacturing: A guide to increasing efficiency

This type of process optimization is known under various names, with lean manufacturing being the most common. It is also known as lean production or just-in-time production. James P. Womack, Daniel Jones and Daniel Roos described this method for the first time in their book”The Machine That Changed the World”. Lean manufacturing is based on the experience the authors have gained in Toyota manufacturing and defines five central principles.

Die 5 principles of lean manufacturing:

💡 Identify value

📊 Map value stream

🔄 Develop workflow

🛒 Align on demand

🔧 Continuous improvement

7. What are the principles of business process management (BPM)?

Business process management (BPM) involves analyzing and optimizing business processes to identify bottlenecks, automate manual tasks, and address inefficiencies. As companies are subject to constant change as they grow, their processes must also be adapted to meet increasing requirements and maintain efficiency. BPM helps teams make these adjustments systematically.

8. How does portfolio analysis work?

In a company, many processes typically run simultaneously, which are often linked or interdependent. It is therefore neither possible nor useful to optimize all processes at the same time. First, it is necessary to identify the processes that have the biggest impact on the company. Portfolio analysis is a useful method for this.

In this analysis, the selected business processes are presented in a matrix and evaluated according to the following criteria:

Strategic significance: How much does the process contribute to achieving corporate goals?

Potential for improvement: Which measures can contribute to process improvement in terms of type, scope and feasibility?

Why does process optimization play a central role in companies? All benefits at a glance

In today's complex and fast-paced business world, process optimization is crucial for the long-term success of companies. Three key elements include data quality, automation and the prevention of media breaks. Without high-quality data, errors, inefficient processes, and missed opportunities can occur. Validating and cleansing the data and training employees in correct data entry are therefore essential. Continuous process improvement is necessary to remain competitive and should be at the center of your corporate strategy.

Increase efficiency in your company sustainably

One of the most obvious and immediate effects of process optimization is increasing efficiency. Inefficient business processes are like a brake block that hinders a company's progress. They consume valuable time, increase costs and reduce performance. By systematically analyzing and optimizing these processes, companies can streamline and accelerate the execution of their tasks.

Cost reduction thanks to optimised processes: Here's how!

Increases in efficiency often go hand in hand with significant cost reductions. Inefficient processes generally mean higher operating costs because more resources are required to do the same job. This can jeopardize a company's profitability. The optimization of production processes through the use of advanced technologies and processes can lead to significant savings in material costs and working time, for example. These cost savings increase profit margins and make the company more competitive.

How can process optimization lead to an improvement in quality?

Process optimization not only leads to increases in efficiency and cost savings, but also to sustainable quality improvement. By closely monitoring and optimizing processes, companies can ensure that their products or services meet the highest quality standards.

This is how process optimization and responsiveness are linked

The ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions is critical in today's business environment. Companies that have sluggish and cumbersome processes could have difficulty responding to changes in demand or new competitors. Dynamic process optimization enables you to make processes more flexible and adapt them as needed.

Employee satisfaction: success factors for a motivated team

Efficient processes not only contribute to customer satisfaction, but also to the satisfaction of our own employees. Employees who are able to complete their tasks without constant obstacles and delays are generally happier and more motivated.

The continuous improvement of business processes should therefore be a central concern of every organization that strives for sustainable success. Nevertheless, no one really needs any further administrative work. You should therefore rely on specialized software that supports your work rhythm and optimizes your processes.

ZEP: Your key to successful process optimization!

Software for project time recording plays a decisive role in optimising companies' processes. ZEP is a proven tool for the requirements of modern companies and offers a user-friendly interface for recording working hours and resources in real time. This enables a transparent view of project progress and timely identification of bottlenecks in order to move projects forward smoothly.

ZEP also shines with its reporting functionality, which makes it possible to view performance data in detail, identify trends and make well-founded decisions to optimize processes. As a result, inefficient work processes become apparent and targeted improvement measures can be taken. ZEP also supports precise resource planning and ensures a fair distribution of work, which increases employee satisfaction. By closely tracking working hours and costs, companies can ensure that projects stay within budget and that cost overruns are quickly identified and resolved.

Process optimization: step-by-step to increase efficiency

To sustainably increase efficiency in your company, systematically analyze and optimize your business processes using methods such as Six Sigma, continuous improvement (Kaizen) or total quality management (TQM). Use specialized project time recording software such as ZEP to monitor working hours and resources in real time, identify bottlenecks, and make well-founded decisions to optimize processes. This results in cost savings, quality improvements and higher employee satisfaction.

Process analysis: This is how you effectively analyze business processes!

Would you like to optimize your business processes to improve your organization's performance and effectiveness? Here is a concise guide on how you can proceed systematically:

Identify the process to be analyzed, preferably business-critical or newly implemented processes.

Capture all relevant data sources throughout the process by documenting and interviewing stakeholders.

Structure the information you collect to clearly present the current process and document roles and dependencies.

Analyze the current process to identify potential improvements and answer important questions.

Based on the findings, weak points are identified and tailor-made improvement options are developed for the company.


In a world where time is money, your efficiency is the key to success. The introduction of software for project time recording is an effective way to optimize your business processes. Through methods such as Six Sigma, continuous improvement and total quality management, you can analyze and improve your processes.

Specialized software such as ZEP enables transparent monitoring of working hours and resources in order to identify bottlenecks and make well-founded decisions for optimization. More efficient processes lead to cost savings, quality improvements and higher employee satisfaction, which ultimately ensures your long-term success. With ZEP trial version All project and project functions are available to you Working time recording available free of charge and without obligation for 30 days.


How often do processes need to be optimized?

Die Optimierung von Prozessen sollte regelmäßig erfolgen, idealerweise in festgelegten Intervallen oder bei Bedarf, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Geschäftsabläufe stets effizient und wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. Kontinuierliche Überprüfungen und Anpassungen ermöglichen es Ihrem Unternehmen, flexibel auf Veränderungen zu reagieren und langfristigen Erfolg zu gewährleisten.

What makes for good process management?

Ein gutes Prozessmanagement zeichnet sich durch klare Strukturen, effektive Kommunikation und die Fähigkeit aus, flexibel auf Veränderungen zu reagieren. Es beinhaltet die kontinuierliche Analyse, Verbesserung und Anpassung von Geschäftsprozessen, um Effizienz, Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit zu maximieren.

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