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Retention Management” 3 phases at a glance + tools

Do you have a high employee turnover rate and want to change that? Retention management and a 3-phase plan help you retain employees.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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In the context of the shortage of skilled workers, it is essential to take effective measures to retain employees over the long term. Losing qualified employees is not only costly, but can also have negative long-term consequences — including a decline in competitiveness and difficulties in recruiting personnel. Retention management plays a crucial role in this context.

Definition: What does retention management mean?

Retention management refers to a variety of measures that are planned and implemented by companies in order to achieve long-term retention of their employees. Keyword: Employer Branding — When your employees identify with your brand as an employer, represent your company's values and feel good, you lay the basis for emotional employee loyalty.

Whether entire personnel, several groups of employees or individual workers — the strategies can be applied in your company at all levels.

One term — different definitions

The term “retention” is derived from Latin word “retiner” Off, which means “withhold” or “withhold.” In the corporate world, the term is used in a variety of ways, as it can be flexibly combined and thus gives different measures their own meaning.

The retention rate is used to calculate the percentage of customers who have remained loyal to a company within a specified period of time and are always regular customers.

What is the goal of retention management?

The goal of retention management is to strengthen the loyalty of employees to the company and to promote their long-term motivation and satisfaction. Targeted measures such as development prospects, employee retention and a positive working environment are intended to reduce fluctuation and ensure the team's performance in the long term.

Why is retention management important for your company?

The world of work is constantly changing, particularly as a result of social, demographic and technical changes. This requires new approaches in leadership development and job design. Competition for talent is constantly intensifying. Companies that do not take effective measures to retain employees run the risk of losing their outstanding talent.

Qualified professionalsWho are also key players in your company, are no longer just striving for an adequately paid position. Aspects such as satisfaction, self-fulfillment, and Work-life balance Are becoming increasingly important in the digital age. Well-thought-out retention management is essential in order to identify the increasingly demanding needs of your employees at an early stage and to optimally meet them.

Measures & Examples of Employee Retention

Employee retention can be achieved through various measures, which take different forms depending on the size of the company, industry and strategic goal. However, it is generally advisable — in addition to financial incentives such as salary or company cars — to focus in particular on non-monetary measures.

Regardless of the form, there is only a chance of success if certain requirements are met. This includes an employee-oriented corporate culture, transparent personnel policy, agile organizational structures As well as Recognition and Appreciation in the Workplace.

A pleasant working environment with short decision-making processes and a Constructive feedback culture Forms the basis for successful retention management.

Examples of employee retention:

Flexible working hours: For a good work-life balance.

🤝 Mentoring programs: To promote young managers.

📚 Continuing education offers: For continuous professional development.

🚀 Opportunities for advancement: For a clear definition of who can move up and how.

🌴 Sabbaticals: For the desired break from work.

🏋️ ‍ ♂️ Sports offers: Measures that promote wellbeing.

Retention Management — Strategic 3-Stage Plan

In the area of retention management, there are a variety of measures available to you, which you can strategically implement in a carefully developed 3-phase plan.

Stage 1: Analyze

The first phase of the plan focuses on a thorough analysis. It is best to start with an as-is analysis that takes a detailed look at both your company (situation) and the business environment (context).

Start by reviewing various risk classes within your company. Is there currently an increased risk of termination? Are you facing a staffing shortage because vacancies cannot be filled? Identify potential quality risks, such as inadequate skills among your employees. These questions are crucial and should be able to be answered for strong employee retention. Together with your managers or project managers, identify the employees or project teams that are particularly important for the long-term success of your company.

The quality of any analysis depends on the facts and figures on which it is based. The more information and key figures you can use for your analysis, the more resilient your retention management becomes. Here you can get a reliable softwaree, which collects all project data, times and plans, helps to provide the data precisely and in relevant contexts.

Soft facts also play an important role. A transparent working environment can be a real loyalty factor for your employees. Use tools such as Employee surveys, take a look at online review portals and create a comprehensive picture of your company.

The same applies to context analysis. Your company is not operating in a vacuum. Conduct market research or surveys to produce a comprehensive competitive analysis. How is your company positioning itself? How is it perceived by potential candidates?

Stage 2: Implement

The thorough analysis is followed by the decisive implementation phase. Develop an action plan with clear, measurable goals. It can be helpful to further refine these goals. After implementing the measures, you should collect key figures promptly to determine whether the measures are achieving the desired effects.

Examples of your goals could include:

When implementing them, it is crucial to use the measures individually and precisely. that Watering can principle Hardly works when it comes to employee retention. Because what makes working from home important for one employee can be high-quality technical equipment in the office for another, while another person prefers more free time instead of a higher salary. In other words, adapt the measures to the needs of the employees or project teams to be retained and avoid a blanket approach. Ask your employees what they specifically need in order to be able to react individually. Because the rule here is: Questions are better than assumptions!

Stage 3: Evaluate

The final and decisive phase is the evaluation and evaluation phase. Have the measures you have taken have achieved the desired results? If so, it is important to stay tuned and not be satisfied with an initial reduction in the retention rate alone. If not, rapid countermeasures and corrections are required. Effective retention management is always a balanced triad of analysis, implementation and evaluation: A regular cycle that should occasionally be stimulated by new impulses.

It becomes clear that employee retention is one of the central tasks of a company. When you help intelligent software Giving yourself time resources to focus on retention management benefits everyone involved: your employees, your company and, ultimately, yourself as the person responsible.

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In view of the shortage of skilled workers and the associated risks for your company, it is essential to establish effective retention management. Through targeted measures for long-term employee retention, you not only ensure your competitiveness, but also your future viability in a dynamic job market. By focusing on an employee-oriented culture, creating transparent working conditions and taking individual needs seriously, you make a decisive contribution to keeping qualified specialists motivated and satisfied in the long term.

Retention management is therefore not just an option, but a strategic necessity to retain high-quality talent in your company and be successful in the long term.


What promotes employee loyalty?

Employee retention is promoted through an employee-oriented corporate culture, transparent communication, development opportunities and a positive working environment. When employees identify with the company's values and goals and their needs are taken seriously, their loyalty and satisfaction increase.

What does employee retention entail?

Employee retention includes various measures such as development prospects, recognition, flexible working time models, continuing education opportunities, and a pleasant working environment. These elements promote the long-term commitment of employees to the company and strengthen their motivation and commitment.

How can you measure employee retention?

Employee retention can be measured through various key figures such as the turnover rate, employee satisfaction and motivation surveys, as well as by analyzing employee feedback and employer reviews on portals. Regular evaluation of this data enables companies to review the effectiveness of their retention measures and, if necessary, adjust them.

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