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Software & sustainability: This is how you can combine both!

How sustainable is your company really? Discover how the right software supports your ESG goals and why it's critical to your long-term success.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Have you ever wondered how sustainable your company is really working? At a time when ecological awareness and social responsibility are becoming more important, companies are required to optimize their processes and make them sustainable. The right sustainability software plays a decisive role here, which not only makes it easier to comply with ESG goals, but also ensures long-term success. In this article, you will learn which factors are important when choosing such tools and what risks arise if you do not use them.

What is sustainability software?

Sustainability software helps companies optimize their environmental, social and governance (ESG) services and manage sustainable transformation. It helps collect and analyze emissions data, develop reduction strategies, and comply with regulations to create long-term value and promote corporate sustainability.

Why is it important that software solutions are sustainable?

Sustainable software solutions enable companies to effectively manage their environmental and social impact while achieving economic success. They support compliance with regulations (e.g. when HR digitization), promote transparency towards stakeholders and help create long-term value by enabling companies to act responsibly and in a future-oriented manner.

Environmental impact of traditional time recording systems

The impact of traditional Time recording systems The environment is often underestimated but can be significant! Because: These systems are often based on physical devices or local servers, which results in higher energy consumption and unnecessary paper consumption. Local servers, on which data for time recording systems is stored, contribute significantly to environmental pollution. These servers require continuous energy to function. They also need to be cooled to prevent overheating, which results in additional energy requirements.

The following example for clarification:

10 companies, each with 20 employees, operate an identical server. These servers run 24/7 and consume 5kWh each. If all companies used a central server, around 39,000 kilowatt hours could be saved in one year.

Maintaining local servers also requires the use of resources such as power, cooling, and technical personnel. These additional costs and use of resources contribute to environmental pollution and are often at odds with the efforts of many companies to act more sustainably.

As you can see, the need for environmentally friendly alternatives is becoming more and more urgent, because: traditional systems for Project time recording can have significant environmental effects and have a negative impact on your company's carbon footprint. Cloud-based project time recording can help you establish more sustainable processes.

Sustainability of cloud-based project time recording

Cloud-based project time recording contributes significantly to sustainability by reducing the need for physical resources such as servers and paper, thus minimizing environmental impact. By using energy-efficient data centers that optimize energy consumption with intelligent technologies, companies reduce their CO2 emissions and reduce operating costs at the same time. These modern data centers operate more efficiently than traditional servers, which contributes to more sustainable business practices.

Another advantage is the almost complete paperlessness. All relevant data, such as project times and invoices, are recorded electronically and stored in the cloud, drastically reducing paper consumption. This saves valuable resources and reduces the need for environmentally harmful printers and cartridges. At the same time, electronic data storage enables more efficient administration and quick access, which not only protects the environment but also increases productivity and efficiency in the company.

Which sustainability factors can tools pay attention to?

When choosing sustainability software, companies should pay attention to several key factors to ensure that the solution effectively supports their sustainability goals:

Wissenschaft und Fachwissen 🌍 Software sollte auf zertifizierten Methodiken basieren, um genaue und fundierte Nachhaltigkeitsentscheidungen zu ermöglichen.
Abdeckung der Emissionen 📊 Tools müssen die Emissionen in Scope 1, 2 und 3 präzise erfassen, insbesondere in der gesamten Lieferkette.
Datenbasiert 💾 Eine zentrale Plattform für nahtlose Datenerfassung, -eingabe und -analyse ist entscheidend für schnelle Einblicke.
Zuerst Dekarbonisierung 🌱 Priorisiert die Reduktion von Emissionen, anstatt sich nur auf Kompensationen zu verlassen.
Berichterstattung 📑 Tools sollten sich an aktuellen ESG-Richtlinien orientieren und es Unternehmen ermöglichen, einfach und präzise über ihren Nachhaltigkeitsfortschritt zu berichten.
Dedizierter Support 🛠 Verlässlicher Support bei wichtigen Themen wie Dateneingabe und Dekarbonisierung stärkt die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.
Relevante Partnerschaften 🤝 Ein starkes Netzwerk von Partnern zeigt die Branchenkompetenz des Anbieters und seine Fähigkeit, aktuelle und zukünftige Anforderungen zu erfüllen.
Kundenreferenzen 👥 Referenzen bieten wertvolle Einblicke in die Effektivität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Software sowie die Qualität des Kundensupports.
Taten folgen lassen 🔍 Anbieter, die selbst an Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen teilnehmen, wie B-Corp-zertifizierte Unternehmen, gewährleisten höchste Standards in sozialer und ökologischer Leistung.

Why ZEP makes your project time recording greener

A key feature of ZEP is its outstanding energy balance. Why Our software is hosted in ultra-modern data centers, which are specifically designed for maximum energy efficiency. This has a direct impact on reducing your carbon footprint compared to traditional systems, which are often run on decentralized local servers.

Goodbye to paper-based project time recording

Manual entry is error-prone, time-consuming and not sustainable! In ZEP, you can access all relevant data — from Preparation of offers across the entire Project controlling up to paperless Invoice — record completely electronically and store in the cloud. Of course, in compliance with all GDPR regulations. Your data is safe with us! Our cloud-based tool reduces your paper consumption to an absolute minimum and thus saves valuable resources such as wood and water.


Save more resources with ZEP

With ZEP, you not only save haptic resources such as paper, but also the resource time. Like that? Another way in which our cloud-based project time recording can contribute to greater sustainability in your company is by supporting remote work. Our software allows you and your employees to record all project times from anywhere, which reduces the need for daily commutes and thus significantly reduces your company's CO2 emissions — not to mention, remote work saves a lot of time that you and your team can invest in the really important things: The services for your customers!

The cloud-based hosting of our software saves you from annoying updates and maintenance work. Because: Every update is automatically played onto your existing ZEP license without you having to manually install it.

The social aspect of sustainability

Our own employees work in a fair company with reasonable pay, legally compliant Working time arrangements and Worker protection employed. Companies that use our software support fair working conditions. This is the only way our software can get better and remain as barrier-free as possible, i.e. we have set ourselves the goal of designing ZEP in such a way that it can be used by your employees — regardless of their individual needs and previous knowledge. In this way, you promote integration and a including work environment in your company.

Consequences for companies without sustainability software

Companies that do not use sustainability management software risk significant negative effects. Brand reputation can suffer severely as consumers are making increasingly environmentally conscious decisions and employees prefer companies that are actively committed to sustainability. Weakened brand perception can lead to lower sales figures and lower employee loyalty, which has a long-term effect on competitiveness.

In addition, companies could be confronted with higher external costs through emissions trading systems and CO₂ taxes. Lack of compliance and unnecessary waste can result in financial losses, including significant losses in market capitalization in the event of serious ESG incidents. Sustainability software is therefore not only a tool for increasing efficiency, but also an essential means of ensuring the long-term success and competitiveness of a company.


In summary, it shows that sustainability software is an indispensable tool for companies that take their environmental responsibility seriously and want to remain competitive in the long term. By using solutions such as ZEP, you can not only achieve your environmental goals, but also reduce operating costs and increase efficiency. ZEP helps your company establish paperless processes, reduce CO2 emissions and promote a more sustainable way of working. By using cloud-based project time recording, you are making an important contribution to environmental protection and at the same time future-proof your business processes.


How much does sustainability management software cost?

Die Kosten für eine Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement-Software variieren je nach Anbieter, Funktionsumfang und Unternehmensgröße. Preise können von monatlichen Abonnements im Bereich von einigen hundert Euro bis zu maßgeschneiderten Lösungen im höheren Preissegment reichen. Viele Anbieter bieten auch gestaffelte Preismodelle an, die sich nach den individuellen Bedürfnissen eines Unternehmens richten. Ihre individuellen Kosten für ZEP können Sie sich bequem in unserem Preisrechner anzeigen lassen.

What does sustainability mean in IT?

Nachhaltigkeit in der IT bezieht sich auf den verantwortungsvollen Einsatz von Technologien, um negative Umweltauswirkungen zu minimieren. Dies umfasst energieeffiziente Hardware, ressourcenschonende Software-Entwicklung und die Reduktion von Elektronikabfall durch Recycling und Wiederverwendung.

What all is part of Green IT?

Green IT umfasst alle Maßnahmen, die darauf abzielen, die Umweltauswirkungen von Informationstechnologie zu reduzieren. Dazu gehören energieeffiziente Rechenzentren, nachhaltige Hardware-Produktion, umweltfreundliche Softwareentwicklung, Recycling und Entsorgung von IT-Geräten sowie die Förderung von papierlosen Prozessen und Remote-Arbeit.

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