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Project Management

Assembling a project team” What is important?

What is important when putting together a successful project team and why is precise project time recording crucial? Optimize your project work with in-depth insights and practical tips for efficient team management and project control.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Project work can be a complex challenge that requires coordination of a wide range of tasks, team members, and resources. For projects to be completed successfully, a specialized project team and precise project time recording are crucial. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at these two aspects and explain their importance for your project success.

Precise team structure for your project success

The right structure of your project team is essential for the success of the project. Efficient collaboration and clear responsibilities within the team form a stable basis so that your project actually achieves the desired success. Because: What good is a large team for you if everyone works together and no one works together? A well-structured team enables the roles and responsibilities of each team member to be clearly defined. Everyone knows exactly which tasks are assigned to them and who is responsible for certain decisions. Advantage: Efficiency is promoted, duplication of work is avoided and tasks completed on time.

These roles absolutely belong in the project team!

An effective project team needs a balanced mix of skills, but certain roles are essential in almost every project. In this section, we highlight the key roles and their responsibilities, which lay the foundation for project success.

Project Manager: The Key to Successful Project Coordination

An experienced project manager is essential for the success of your project. This role requires not only expertise and leadership skills, but also a close connection to day-to-day operations and business processes.

Responsibilities of a project manager:

🔄 Coordinating the Project Team and Work Processes

📅 Realistic and predictive planning

💰 Compliance with budget and schedule

🚀 Ensuring smooth project implementation

Successful team completes formula for success

Is your project team as colorful as the requirements for your projects? That's good! Because: In a successful project team, each member plays a specific role that contributes to the successful implementation of the project. Clearly defining and assigning these roles is critical for working together efficiently and making optimal use of each team member's individual skills and experience. Everyone knows what they are responsible for within the project.

And how do team members record their project times? Each project team member has different obligations and rights when it comes to correctly recording project times. In our project-oriented software solution ZEP, each team member can individually record their project times — from user to admin.

Role Permissions


Users with additional rights

Project controller



Putting together a project team: What should you consider?

When putting together the project team, proceed in a planned and structured manner. First, appoint a person to manage the project, who should then influence the team composition. This close collaboration is crucial, as project management leads and motivates the team.

Strong Team: With These Similarities to Success

A successful project team is characterized by certain characteristics that significantly influence project success. The following are the key qualities of a successful project team.

Characteristics of a successful project team:

Project progress: What challenges & expectations does a team have to face?

In the course of a project, teams are confronted with various challenges, which are both professional and interpersonal. Selecting the right specialists with suitable competencies is crucial to achieve the goals set. In addition, team members must be able to work together effectively and constructively manage potential differences in working styles and personalities to ensure a smooth project flow.

The best tips for effective team management

Effective team management is crucial in project management to increase productivity and promote innovation. Collaborative teams not only achieve better and faster results, but also develop more creative solutions and services.

Tips for effective team management:

Encourage collaboration across disciplines:

Define clear processes and goals:

Motivate active participation:

Efficient problem solving and support:

Exact project time recording for successful project teams

A precise Project time recording Is essential for success in project management. It enables project managers to precisely measure and document the effort required for each task and the entire project. Modern Software Solutions such as ZEP optimize this process by providing an efficient and transparent Recording of working hours support.

Accurate recording of working hours not only helps with resource planning, but also when it comes to budget control. Project managers can thus monitor the actual amount of time spent, keep costs within limits and take timely measures to control costs. In addition, detailed project time recording promotes project transparency by providing a clear overview of project progress and a well-founded Communication with stakeholders enables.

Optimize your project work now with ZEP: The best software solution for your company

The Right Project Team Structure, a Well-Founded Project time recording And clearly defined roles and responsibilities are critical to the success of your project. Modern Software Solutions such as ZEP offer functions for task management, resource planning and Time recording, which enable effective project management. Tasks can be clearly assigned Priorities set And progress is monitored in real time, which identifies bottlenecks at an early stage, makes optimal use of resources and thus the Long-term project success Secures.

The accurate recording of working hours through time recording tools such as ZEP enables precise measurement of the time required for tasks and project steps, supports monitoring progress, controlling budgets and optimal distribution of workload. Overall, such software solutions facilitate efficient project work, improve time management and promote team collaboration — even with Collaborative work.


In conclusion, it can be stated that the correct structuring of a project team and precise project time recording are decisive for the success of every project. A well-organized team structure with clear roles and responsibilities increases efficiency and optimizes collaboration. State-of-the-art software solutions such as ZEP help project managers to effectively manage tasks, make optimal use of resources and ensure project success in the long term. The exact recording of working hours not only enables precise budget control, but also transparent reporting and effective communication with all stakeholders. With ZEP, companies can optimize their project work and ensure that every team member can contribute to success.


What are the phases of team development?

A project team typically goes through several phases of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. In the forming phase, team members get to know each other, followed by the storming phase, during which conflicts can arise. Rules are established in the standardization phase, while the team works together effectively in the performing phase to achieve the project goals.

How big should a project team be?

The optimal size of a project team depends on the complexity of the project, but usually it should be small enough to enable efficient communication and clear roles, yet large enough to cover all required skills and perspectives. A size of 5-9 team members is often considered ideal.

How do I motivate a project team?

A project team can be motivated by clearly communicating project goals, recognizing and appreciating achievements, promoting a positive team climate, creating development opportunities for team members, and involvement in decision-making processes. One constructive feedback culture and creating an environment in which team members feel supported and valued are also crucial for motivation.

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