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Overcoming Procrastination: The Best Tips & Tools

Procrastination can have long-term consequences for your health and career development. We will show you proven methods for overcoming procrastination in everyday project work.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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An old German proverb says: “Tomorrow, tomorrow... just not today, say all lazy people.” It illustrates the tendency of many people to postpone unpleasant tasks and instead spend time on distractions such as checking emails or cat videos. But sporadic procrastination can quickly become a habit that has serious effects on productivity and self-esteem. This vicious circle of procrastination significantly impairs quality of life and performance.

What is procrastination?

Procrastination or procrastination describes the phenomenon of delays in completing tasks. This behavior is based on a tendency to prefer short-term rewards over long-term goals, even when you know the negative consequences of procrastinating.

Reasons for procrastination

The question of the causes of procrastination contains a variety of explanations. But: Why do we like to put off unpleasant tasks anyway? This question is complex, because every person is unique and has individual reasons for procrastinating. However, if procrastination leads to serious problems that interfere with our goal achievement, it is advisable to consider professional help. What are the most common reasons for procrastination?

Unclear priorities

If you feel uncertain about the long-term goals or priorities of your projects during everyday project work, this can affect your motivation. For example, unclear instructions from management or lack of clarity about the strategic goals of the project could mean that you have difficulty concentrating on completing the tasks.


In Project Management in Particular, the Tendency to Perfectionism Can Lead to Delays. For example, if you're constantly trying to make every aspect of a project perfect, you can be stuck in endless planning loops instead of starting the actual work. This search for perfection can significantly slow down the progress of the project.


Projects can be overwhelmed if, for example, there are too many tasks to complete at the same time or when the project goals have been set unrealistically high. Result: They withdraw and try to escape from being overwhelmed by procrastination instead of taking concrete steps to complete the tasks.

Lack of motivation

A lack of motivation can occur in project teams when members do not understand the relevance or benefits of their tasks. For example, if you are unable to pattern up the necessary motivation for market research in a marketing project, this can result in research being neglected, which can significantly impair the quality of the marketing strategy.

Fear of Failure

The fear of Failure of projects May cause you to shy away from taking on responsibility. For example, if you're worried that a project goal won't be achieved, hold back to avoid potential negative consequences instead of actively working on solutions.


Procrastination is one thing above all else: Distraction! Constant availability and the temptation to search social media can be particularly pronounced in project management. For example, if you're stuck in a hectic project situation, it's tempting to distract yourself from more urgent tasks with emails or social networks. You'd better not do that! The Project success Could be affected by this!

You can actively influence these reasons in your day-to-day work. But: The tendency to procrastination is not only due to a lack of Willpower. Profound neurobiological causes play an important role in this pattern of behavior and significantly influence our emotions, self-control, motivation and learning processes.

Laziness & Procrastination: That's the Difference!

Laziness and procrastination are often confused, but they have different causes. While laziness is more likely to describe an aversion to work in general, procrastination results from various psychological factors such as lack of self-control, fear of failure, or perfectionism. These can be reinforced by a lack of clarity about the importance of the task, with procrastination often being a habitual form of behavior that can be overcome through clear goals and priorities.

Consequences of procrastination

The constant tendency to postpone unpleasant tasks — i.e. procrastination — can have significant consequences that go far beyond simply avoiding duties. In particular, if you are under severe pressure to perform, you can quickly fall into a vicious circle that has negative consequences in the long term:

Pressure to perform 💼 Procrastination can lead to acute and long-term pressure that is stressful.Guilt 😔 Self-reproaches and feelings of guilt often accompany the postponement of important tasks.Health 🏥 Chronic procrastination can lead to stress, physical complaints, and psychological problems.Professional development 📉 Procrastination can lead to missed deadlines and poor results, which impairs professional development.Social relationships 🤝 Procrastination can lead to frustration and loss of trust in social and professional interactions.

Although perpetual delaying can significantly affect your personal and professional life, you can overcome procrastination! There are various approaches and methods to combat procrastination.

15 tips against procrastination

There is no general method against procrastination, as the Causes and reasons Each person has different behavior for this behavior. It is therefore crucial to know and test various techniques and strategies! So you can find out which ones work best for you.

Tip 1: Set priorities

That Set priorities represents an effective method against procrastination. By specifically sorting your tasks according to priorities, you gain clarity about which steps should be taken next. By focusing on essential tasks, you avoid distractions due to secondary activities. This clear focus supports a quick start to your work and helps to minimize the state of procrastination. For example, aim to complete a maximum of five tasks each day. You should definitely complete 2-3 of these so that you can see your day as successful. To prioritize your upcoming tasks, you can rely on proven methods, such as Eisenhower method, the ABC analysis Or that Pareto Principle Fall back on.

Tip 2: Break bigger tasks into smaller tasks

Breaking down tasks into smaller parts helps to break down complex projects into manageable steps and avoid being overwhelmed. It makes it easier to get started, keep track of things and reduce fears of mistakes. By defining goals and prioritizing subtasks after an ABC analysis, you can work more efficiently and better understand progress. Reviewing your to-do list regularly ensures you stay on track. This structured approach improves the organization, increases productivity and promotes motivation by creating a sense of success.

Tip 3: Avoid distraction

Minimize outside distractions, such as social media and cell phone notifications, to improve your productivity. Create a tidy Workplace Design and prioritize your tasks to focus on what's important. Avoid multitasking as it can impair concentration and lead to errors. If necessary, use noise-canceling headphones to reduce annoying noises. Clear goals help you focus and avoid distractions.

Tip 4: Set goals

Define clear, concise, and — above all — achievable goals for every working day to keep you motivated. Think about what you want and need to achieve with your projects in the long term. When it comes to big goals, it can be helpful to break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This allows you to keep an eye on progress at any time. Very important: Reward yourself when you've achieved your goals. This activates your reward center in the brain and motivates you to continue with further projects!

Tip 5: Use time management strategies

It is helpful to use time management techniques to avoid procrastination. These can help you work more productively and use your time more efficiently. The following strategies have proven effective:

Pomodoro technique: This method divides your time into 25-minute intervals (pomodoros) with short breaks in between. Four Pomodoros are followed by a longer break. During Pomodoro sessions, you focus exclusively on the task at hand.

Eat The Frog: This strategy involves completing unpleasant tasks first to get them out of the way. This reduces stress and increases your productivity.

Time-blocking: This method divides your time into blocks for specific tasks or projects. Set fixed times for emails, phone calls, and other tasks to use your time more effectively.

Seinfeld method: This technique is based on the idea of completing a specific task each day and marking an X on a calendar to maintain the chain of successful days. This is how you develop a habit that can increase your productivity.

Tip 6: Avoid perfectionism

Perfectionism can lead to stress, guilt, and frustration by getting lost in details and setting unrealistic standards. Accept that mistakes are normal and perfection is unattainable. Set realistic goals and use a Definition of Done (DoD) to complete tasks. Delegate tasks to save time and improve quality focus on progress instead of mistakes and set time limits so you don't spend too long on details.

Tip 7: Create routines

Introducing routines increases productivity, structures everyday life and avoids procrastination. Identify and prioritize your most important tasks, and plan their time and frequency. Create a schedule that provides enough buffer to avoid stress. Learn from time variances to future Project planning to improve. Stay consistent with your routine, even if it's challenging at first. It gets easier over time, and this routine can help you achieve goals and make your day-to-day work easier.

Tip 8: Ask for help

You can avoid procrastination by getting help from colleagues or supervisors to help you complete your tasks. For example, your manager can provide you with additional resources to help you achieve your project goals in a reasonable amount of time. If you have experienced colleagues on your team, talk to them if there are problems or obstacles in the course of the project. It's important not to hesitate when you need help. Open communication with your team can significantly help create a positive work environment and improve your own performance. And who knows, maybe your colleagues have other strategies for dealing with procrastination. This gives you additional tips and tricks to successfully leave procrastination behind you.

Tip 9: Record every task & processing time

Recording every task helps to keep track of things and avoid being overwhelmed. The Getting Things Done (GTD) method makes it easy to organize, prioritize, and execute tasks. Use a to-do app instead of handwritten lists to efficiently manage, prioritize, and share tasks with team members. At the latest after BAG time clock verdict Do you have to record your working hours on a daily basis anyway. With software for Working time recording This is no longer just another annoying to-do, but can be done with just a few mouse clicks.

Tip 10: Set due dates for tasks

Clear deadlines help to avoid procrastination and ensure timely completion of tasks. Add all tasks to a to-do list and give each task a deadline to to set priorities. Review and update these deadlines regularly to stay organized and prepared.

Tip 11: Find the reason for procrastination

Consciously reflect on why you are putting off tasks and what are the reasons behind them. Consider what is unpleasant about completing certain tasks and whether it triggers stress. Try to arrange these activities so that they cause less stress and negative feelings. Break habits and approach tasks differently next time.

Tip 12: Work during your productive hours

Use your most productive time to complete difficult or unpleasant tasks. Larks should work early in the morning, while owls perform at their best in the evening and at night. Respect your individual rhythm to make work more pleasant and effective.

Tip 13: Draw clear lines between work and leisure

Reserve fixed recovery times in the evening when work is no longer allowed. Plan even during the day regular breaks One. This allows you to enjoy your free time without a guilty conscience and ensure your relaxation.

Tip 14: Reward yourself when milestones are achieved

Since praise for completed tasks rarely comes, plan for small rewards before you start working. Buy yourself a book or treat yourself to a relaxing bath after completing a task. These rewards boost your motivation, make working more enjoyable, and increase your Work-life balance.

Tip 15: Use the Working Time Restriction Method

Set a fixed time to start a task and set an alarm 15 minutes before. Use this time to prepare for work through a ritual. Start on time to increase the likelihood of completing the task. According to the 72-hour rule, the chance of starting a project decreases significantly if it is not started within three days.

Avoid procrastination with project time recording

Procrastination, i.e. the deferral of tasks that should actually be completed promptly, is a common phenomenon. The causes of this behavior are manifold and the associated effects, such as stress or a burdened conscience, are now known to you. Although there is no universal cure for procrastination, there are numerous methods, tips, and tricks available to counteract this tendency. By implementing intelligent time management strategies, you can integrate structure and routine into your daily work routine.

In this context, ZEP supports you as software for Project time recording Using your time more efficiently to increase productivity and reduce stress. True to the motto “Work smarter, not harder,” ZEP supports you throughout the entire project management process — from dynamic project planning to Distribution of resources Up to the exact recording of all project times. This allows you to track your goals in real time and gives procrastination no chance! Here you can get your free and non-binding ZEP test versionn for 30 days!


Procrastination is a common phenomenon that can significantly affect both productivity and personal well-being. The causes are manifold, including unclear priorities, perfectionism, overwhelming demands, lack of motivation, fear of failure, and distractions. By identifying individual reasons for procrastination and using targeted techniques such as setting clear priorities, sharing larger tasks, minimizing distractions, and using time management strategies, you can effectively combat procrastination.

A structured approach that respects your personal work rhythm and provides regular rewards for achieved milestones increases motivation and makes it easier to start working. With the support of Project time recording software Like ZEP, you can use your time more efficiently, reduce stress, and track your goals in real time, meaning procrastination has no chance. Implement these methods in your day-to-day work to be more successful and happier in the long term.


When is procrastination a disease?

Procrastination is considered an illness when it becomes chronic and leads to significant impairment in daily life, such as serious professional or personal consequences. In such cases, professional diagnosis and treatment by a psychologist or therapist may be necessary.

What types of procrastination are there?

There are different types of procrastinators, including the perfectionist who procrastinates out of fear of making mistakes and the avoidant who puts off tasks due to being overwhelmed or afraid of failure. Another type is the bon vivant, who prefers short-term rewards and therefore avoids unpleasant tasks.

How much procrastination is normal?

Some level of procrastination is normal and affects almost everyone occasionally. It becomes problematic when procrastination occurs regularly and to such an extent that it significantly affects everyday life and the achievement of important goals.

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