#1 Software für Projektzeiterfassung

Verabschieden Sie sich von aufwändigen Excel-Tabellen! Erfassen Sie Ihre Arbeitszeiten projekt- und kundenspezifisch und behalten den Überblick über alle Leistungen und Zeitaufwände.

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More than 2,000 companies rely on ZEP

Projektzeiten mobil und rechtssicher erfassen

Mit ZEP erfassen Sie Arbeitszeiten blitzschnell und vollkommen ohne Papierkram.

Mobile Zeiterfassung

Arbeitszeiten direkt auf Projekte und Kunden erfassen mit App, Browser & Terminal

Erfassen Sie Ihre Projektzeiten flexibel im Büro, unterwegs oder beim Kunden – mit der ZEP App, dem Browser oder dem Terminal. Durch die direkte Synchronisation sind Ihre Daten stets in Echtzeit verfügbar, sodass alle Zeiten lückenlos und zuverlässig dokumentiert werden.

Einfache Projektverwaltung

Übersichtlich und intuitiv Projekte managen

Mit ZEP behalten Sie Ihre Projekte jederzeit im Blick. Organisieren Sie Aufgaben, weisen Sie Tätigkeiten zu und verfolgen Sie den Fortschritt in Echtzeit. So sorgen Sie dafür, dass Projekte planmäßig und im Rahmen des geplanten Budgets abgeschlossen werden.

Beliebig erweiterbare Projektstruktur

Aufteilung eines Hauptprojektes in beliebig viele Teilprojekte und Vorgänge

Gliedern Sie Ihre Projekte in beliebig viele Ebenen, von Hauptprojekten über Teilprojekte bis hin zu detaillierten Vorgängen. Strukturieren Sie das Projekt noch weiter, indem sie Ihren Mitarbeitern klare Rollen und Berechtigungen zuweisen.

Automatische Workflows & Auswertungen

Auswertungen und automatische Workflows mit einem Klick generieren

Erstellen Sie umfassende Auswertungen zu Ihren Projektzeiten und Kosten mit nur einem Klick. Diese Berichte bieten wertvolle Einblicke in den Projektfortschritt und helfen Ihnen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, um Ihre Projekte stets im Zeit- und Budgetrahmen zu halten.

ZEP Logo

Projektzeiten automatisch & digital erfassen

Hosting and development in Germany
30 day trial without obligation

Unsere empfohlene Produktkonfiguration

Beliebig erweiterbar.


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Alles aus ZEP Clock
Overtime, absenteeism & vacation

Easy management of overtime, absences & vacations

Keep track of absences and overtime of your employees. Automate time recording, simplify vacation planning, and optimize deployment planning for your entire team.

More than 2,000 companies already rely on ZEP

The time tracking of choice — from startups to large corporations.

top rated omr reviews badge
OMR Top 100 2025
vertrauenswürdig durch  beste badge
Certified Cloud Solution 2025 ZEP

“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”

männlicher Avatar

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

district manager

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT consultant

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”

männlicher Avatar

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

district manager

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT consultant

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR Manager

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT Consultant

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

District Manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR Manager

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT Consultant

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

District Manager

Integrate ZEP into your setup

We ensure that ZEP is in harmony with the rest of your IT infrastructure.

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ZEP interface

Standardised data exchange using SOAP and REST

Personio Logo


Transfer of ZEP time bookings and Personio master data

Excel export

Standardised exports in XLS and CSV formats

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View all interfaces

Discover the possibilities of ZEP

ZEP is powerful, easy to use and can adapt to your needs. See for yourself!

Hosting and development in Germany
Try it out for 30 days without obligation