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Project Management

4 practical tips for long-term project success

Do you want to ensure the sustainable success of your project? Here you can find out why you should rely on modern management, clear objectives and motivated teams.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Ensuring project success is crucial for the overall success of your company. Smooth project completion ensures that goals are achieved and that your customers are satisfied. If a project is successful, this success depends on various factors that must be carefully considered. This includes essential aspects such as effective time management, optimal use of your resources and clear objectives. Cost control and risk management also play an important role in achieving your project goals.

As a project manager, you should be able to motivate your entire team and Involve all stakeholders. In this blog, you can find out how to ensure your project success in practice. We give you practical tips and focus on the decisive success factors for your projects.

What is project success? A definition

In Gabler business lexicon becomes a success than

“The result of economic activity, usually recorded or expressed in monetary terms; determined by income statement”

defined. Project success therefore generally means the successful completion of a project when the predefined goals and requirements have been achieved within the specified time frame, budget and in compliance with quality standards. Effective communication, teamwork and meeting customer requirements are decisive factors here. Project success is often measured based on overall performance and added value for stakeholders.

Companies generally strive to increase or improve the value of the company, although this does not necessarily have to be the case with every project. For every project, you should therefore ask yourself the following basic questions:

• What contribution should the project make to the company?
• Does the project achieve the expected added value?
• Are all stakeholders of the project satisfied?

Basic success criteria — The magic triangle

Especially in German-speaking countries, this is So-called magic triangle known as a common symbol for three essential factors in project management. These factors include time, cost, and performance. The focus or success factor is located centrally in the middle of the triangle. Changes to one of the variables require appropriate adjustments to the remaining two to maintain the integrity of the triangle. Your job as a project manager is to balance the three cornerstones of the magic triangle to ensure the best quality possible while meeting budget, deadlines, and project specifications.

time: This dimension relates to time planning and influences the reconciliation of the other two values. Time not only stands for the start and end date of your project, but also for Interim goals or significant milestones.

costs: The cost dimension quantifies financial expenditure and available Budget for your entire project. A budget set before the start of the project should not be exceeded in order to ensure economic project management.

Power: The performance dimension summarizes the desired results that are to be achieved after the completion of your project. The objectives should according to SMART formula be structured and coordinated with all participants, decision makers and stakeholders before the start of the project.

Changes in factors result in various conflicting objectives. Customer satisfaction and inadequate resource planning are often the causes of these conflicts. If the requirements of customers, clients or stakeholders change or if a dimension is out of balance, the following conflicts can arise:

Costs vs. time: An early deadline may require overtime or hiring additional staff, which in turn increases costs.

Performance vs. time: If the desired service cannot be provided, either the deadline must be extended or the costs of additional personnel must be increased.

Costs vs. performance: With a reduced budget, time and performance must also be adjusted accordingly. This is the only way you can act economically.

This underlines the fundamental connection between these factors. Changes to one of the corners of the triangle have a direct effect on the other corners. Therefore, plan appropriate buffers for all values to keep the relationship and triangle intact. Important: Clarify all factors before starting the project! A precisely developed project plan allows you to keep the triangle balanced.

The relevance of the magic triangle is also determined by the GPM study “Macroeconomic measurement of project activity in Germany” German Society for Project Management underlined. A differentiated analysis showed that projects are considered successful primarily in terms of quality, costs and timeliness.

However, the magic triangle by no means includes all success factors for your projects. Because: The Association for Project Management (APM) found 2021 in their study “Conditions for project success” revealed that only 22 percent of all projects are considered successful. 850 project managers from business and the public sector in Great Britain were interviewed. The interviewees identified five decisive factors for project success:

1. Planning: The preliminary planning of the project is comprehensive and carefully thought out; progress monitoring is carried out regularly and thoroughly. The project includes realistic timelines, active risk management and a downstream project review.

2. Team composition: Experienced specialists who form a core project team have comprehensive competencies. Other team members are also fully competent and show constructive behaviours that promote project success.

3. Goal definition: The overall goal of the project is clearly specified and is recognized by all stakeholders. It is not in conflict with lower-level goals. The project managers have a clear vision of the project results.

4. Governance: In the project, the managers, responsibilities, reporting channels and communication between all participants are clearly defined.

5. Willingness to succeed: All project participants are and remain committed to the success of the project. Any lack of commitment is identified and addressed, with project management inspiring others to get involved.

The study results show that the primary goal is to underline the importance of professional project management for project managers. However, the results are relevant to anyone interested or involved in the successful completion of projects. But what can you actively do as a project manager so that your projects also achieve the desired success?

4 practical tips for your project success

As a project manager, you know that: Every project has pitfalls and challenges. So that you can look forward to them calmly, we give you four practical tips to achieve successful results:

Practical tip 1: Create a positive project environment

A positive project environment plays a decisive role in your project success. Make sure that resources are used effectively by prioritizing, delegating, and optimizing workflows to minimize time and cost factors. However, the success of your project depends not only on resources and time, but also on a motivated project team. Motivate your team and encourage collaboration through recognition. This can be done both through verbal words of praise and small rewards. By recognizing the individual strengths and achievements of each team member, your employees feel valued and, above all, seen.

However, it is not only individual praise that is important, but also the promotion of positive group dynamics. Team building activities and regular meetings can help your team get to know each other better and develop a sense of belonging. Ultimately, your team works together towards one goal: the successful completion of the project. When you have successfully completed a project — especially if it was a lengthy and complex project for everyone involved — then there is only one thing left for you and your team to do: celebrate the success of the project! This increases motivation for similar projects in the future and contributes to a positive working environment.

Practical tip 2: Continuously monitor project progress

To ensure the success of your project, you should continuously keep an eye on the progress of the project. Set specific criteria and metrics to closely track project progress and make adjustments as needed to achieve the goal on time and within budget. benchmarking It also allows you to compare with other similar projects or companies to identify strengths and weaknesses and apply successful practices. This is how you maximize success factors.

An important part of project management is also identifying risks at an early stage in order to identify potential problems and prevent them. An early warning system can help identify these risks quickly before they become major problems. By implementing appropriate software, such as ZEP, you can ensure that your team stays on track. This allows you to keep track of things at all times without obstacles jeopardizing your project success. Continuous monitoring of project progress enables you to record changes and react quickly to them. By taking a proactive approach to potential risks, you can save time and money and ensure that your project is successful.

Practical tip 3: Carry out regular quality checks

Another important factor for your project success is carrying out regular quality checks. This ensures that all defined criteria and standards are met and that you achieve your project goals. To do this, set appropriate standards and test methods firmly and apply them consistently. The systematic review not only allows you to identify potential errors at an early stage, but also uncover potential for optimization. Successful quality control can also help to save costs and use resources more efficiently.

A well-functioning team and clear communication channels are just as important as continuous monitoring of your project. It is therefore advisable to take targeted quality assurance measures to make a significant contribution to the successful completion of your projects. This ensures that your project meets the defined quality standards and can be completed successfully.

Practical tip 4: Document knowledge for long-term project success

A decisive success factor for projects lies in the systematic recording of experiences from previous projects. Documenting knowledge and best practices can help make future projects more successful. This is not only about recording errors and problems, but also about Identification of success criteria and best practices. Effective knowledge management enables you to react more quickly to challenges and use resources, time and costs more efficiently. Your customers also benefit from this, as they receive high-quality results and your company presents itself as a reliable partner. Through continuous learning from past successful projects, you can constantly improve your project management and ensure long-term success.

Another important factor for ensuring project success is the transfer of knowledge. Training and mentoring programs can help to share and expand know-how within your team. Through targeted training measures, your employees can be prepared for new challenges and bring their knowledge up to date. A mentor program can also help to share experience and knowledge within the company. This not only promotes the personal development of employees and greater team cohesion, but also the quality of the work results in the project.

To ensure a successful transfer of knowledge, these measures should be planned and implemented at an early stage. You should always keep an eye on costs and resources. A clear definition of criteria for training and a regular review of the success of these measures are decisive for your long-term project success. Effective knowledge management allows your team to react more quickly to changes and thus achieve the project goal faster.

Efficient time recording ensures the success of your project

For effective project management, the Recording of working time a crucial role. However, this can only be achieved if all team members pull together. Clearly defined guidelines and transparent communication about your expectations are the first steps towards consistent project time recording. Because: In addition to pure attendance time, it is crucial for your project success to document both pending and completed tasks. This benefits your entire project team, as everyone involved can track project progress, know upcoming steps, and responsibilities are clearly communicated and documented.

This increases transparency within your team and promotes trust in the correct recording of working time. In addition, regular status reports on project times have a motivating effect on the success of the project. In view of the complexity of projects and the associated challenges, Software for project time recording — such as ZEP — increasingly important for your project success. ZEP not only ensures transparency in attendance times, work steps and successes, but also effectively supports you in budget planning and compliance. This makes the software an indispensable tool in project management and therefore also for your project success.


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