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Night work: calculate surcharges automatically

Working at night can be challenging, both for employees and payroll. Learn how to correctly calculate night work surcharges and optimize your billing processes through automation.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Night work can be a burden for many workers, but is unavoidable in many industries. Employers must not only comply with legal regulations on night work, but also ensure the correct calculation of surcharges. In this article, you will learn how to calculate surcharges efficiently and optimize your payroll through automated processes.

What is night work?

Night work refers to work performed during night time. This time usually covers the period from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM or 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM. Night work is regulated by law and is a necessity for many industries.

What are the legal regulations for night work?

The Working Hours Act defines night work as work that comprises more than two hours during night time. The daily night work duration may generally not exceed eight hours, but can be extended to a maximum of ten hours under certain conditions.

In addition, night work applies exclusively to employees of legal age, with special regulations from laws such as the Maternity Protection Act or Youth Employment Protection Act as well as collective agreements and co-determination rights of the works council must be observed.

How high are the surcharges for night work?

There are no uniformly defined surcharge levels. Employees generally receive 25% of gross hourly pay as a supplement. For heavy work or continuous night work, surcharges can rise to up to 40%.


Surcharges of 25 percent for working hours between 20:00 and 6:00 and 40 percent for assignments between 0 and 4 o'clock are tax-free, as legislators regard these times as particularly burdensome.

Calculate night surcharge manually

The night supplement is calculated manually using a simple formula:

Hourly wage x number of night work hours x surcharge = night supplement

Example: Max works a night shift from 10 pm to 6 am and meets the legal requirements for night work. His hourly wage is 30 euros. He has a one-hour break from 2 to 3 o'clock.

Max receives a 25 percent night supplement for his 5 hours of night work (between 11 pm and 6 am). This means that his supplement per hour is 7.50 euros and the night supplement for the entire shift is 37.50 euros. The formula is:

30 (hourly wage) x 5 (night work hours) x 1.25 (surcharge factor) = 187.50 euros

Max thus receives 187.50 euros for his night work. In addition, he receives his normal hourly rate of 30 euros for the hours from 10 pm to 11 pm. He earns a total of 217.50 euros on this shift. If Max receives a higher surcharge of 30 or 40 percent, the surcharge factor is adjusted to 1.30 or 1.40 percent.

Challenges in manual surcharge calculation for night work

The manual surcharge calculation may be smaller companies Although this represents an additional effort, it is still easy to handle. In larger companies, you can quickly lose track of things here, which leads to numerous problems:

Calculation error: Manual processes often led to inaccuracies.

📄 Inconsistent documentation: The recording of working hours was not consistent.

A lot of time spent: Manual administration took a lot of time and resources.

⚠️ Error-prone surcharge management: The manual calculation was prone to errors.

🌙 Incorrect consideration of specific times: Night shifts and holiday work were often recorded incorrectly.

Automated surcharge calculation with ZEP

The calculation of supplements for night work and other special working hours represents a time-consuming and error-prone challenge for many companies. Surcharges are often recorded and calculated manually, which can result in inconsistent documentation and incorrect recording of night shifts. This is where ZEP comes in with its additional module for Overtime, absenteeism & vacation to provide an efficient and automated solution.

With ZEP, you can easily define different periods of time for surcharges and record them in a structured manner. Manual administration is now a thing of the past. The system ensures that all surcharges, such as for night work, are calculated automatically and correctly. This not only makes payroll easier, but also ensures uniform documentation that is comprehensible at any time.

Benefits of automated surcharge calculation

Thanks to the ZEP additional module, you can clearly define special times such as night shifts or public holidays and have them calculated automatically. This enables error-free and time-saving payroll, which not only reduces administrative workload, but also increases employee satisfaction through correct statements.

The following is an overview of the most important benefits that result from using ZEP in the surcharge calculation:

<table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Clear recording of special times</strong></td> <td>Uniform and comprehensible documentation</td></tr> <tr><td><strong><tr><td><strong>Automatic calculation of surcharges</strong></td> <td>Reduced error rate and correct billing Administration of night shifts Correct</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>recording of night shifts</strong></td> <td>and holidays</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Definable periods for surcharges</strong></td> <td>Flexibility</td></tr> in managing different times Saving time by </strong></td>Automation <td>Fewer manual tasks and administrative burdens</td></tr></tbody></table>

ZEP significantly simplifies the management of supplements so that you can concentrate on your core business without having to worry about payroll. Automated processes ensure that all special working hours are reliably recorded and correctly billed.

Health tips for night work

Night work not only poses additional payroll challenges, but also significant health requirements for employees. In order to counteract the burdens of night work and to promote employee well-being, it is important to take appropriate measures to promote health. Here are some valuable tips for employers to make their shift schedules health-conscious:

Custom chronotypes: Different biological rhythms require shift schedules to be adapted to the individual needs of employees.

Short night shifts & regular breaks: Shorter night shifts and regular pauses can help to reduce stress and maintain performance.

Forward-rotating shift plans: The order of night shift, morning shift and late shift is considered pleasant by many and makes it easier to adapt to changing working hours.

Long-term planning & reliability: A clearly structured and long-term shift schedule helps employees to better coordinate work and leisure time.

Regular training: Training courses on topics such as working time management, stress management and health promotion prepare employees for the demands of night work.

Flexible vacation planning: Flexibility in Vacation planning helps employees to recover enough and manage their workload better.

Ergonomic workplace: An ergonomic workplace design, good lighting and noise reduction measures contribute to employee well-being.


The correct calculation of supplements for night work is a key challenge for many companies, which must both meet legal requirements and ensure precise and fair remuneration. As shown, manual calculation can not only be time-consuming and prone to errors, but can also result in inconsistent documentation and insufficient consideration of specific working hours.

The introduction of an automated system such as ZEP offers an efficient solution here: It enables precise and error-free calculation of surcharges, ensures clear and comprehensible documentation and significantly reduces administrative costs. By automating the surcharge calculation, you can concentrate on your core business and at the same time ensure that your employees are paid correctly and fairly. The integration of ZEP into your payroll is therefore a valuable step towards smooth and transparent personnel management.


What is work at night?

Nächtliche Arbeit bezieht sich auf Arbeitszeiten, die laut § 2 Abs. 3 und 4 ArbZG zwischen 23 Uhr und 6 Uhr liegen und länger als zwei Stunden andauern. Für bestimmte Branchen wie Bäckereien und Konditoreien ist der Zeitraum von 22 Uhr bis 5 Uhr festgelegt. Beamte haben einen angepassten Zeitraum von 20 Uhr bis 6 Uhr.

When is a night supplement required?

Ein Nachtzuschlag ist dann erforderlich, wenn Arbeitnehmer während der Nachtzeit arbeiten und keine tarifliche Regelung zur Vergütung vorhanden ist. Nach § 6 Abs. 5 ArbZG müssen Arbeitgeber entweder einen Zuschlag oder Freizeitausgleich bieten, um die nächtliche Arbeit angemessen zu entlohnen.

How long should you recover after a night shift?

Die Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) empfiehlt, nach einer Nachtschicht mindestens 24 Stunden Erholungszeit einzuhalten. Bei mehreren aufeinander folgenden Nachtschichten sollte eine Erholungsphase von 48 Stunden in Betracht gezogen werden, um die Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit zu erhalten.

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