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Time Tracking for Small Businesses: All Rules & Tools

Find out why project time recording is essential for small companies and how modern software such as ZEP can help. Optimize your work processes, increase efficiency and remain competitive!

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In a business world where efficiency and productivity are critical, project time recording is becoming increasingly important. For small companies, it can help optimize workflows, keep an eye on costs, improve quality and remain competitive. However, the requirements for time recording software differ significantly depending on the size of the company. In this blog, we would like to take a closer look at the specific requirements and benefits of project time recording software for small businesses.

Project Time Tracking in Small Companies: Multitasking Genius

Small companies may not have the same financial clout as their larger competitors, but they have unique qualities that make them essential in the corporate world. These companies are known for their agility, creativity, and willingness to face ever-changing and often challenging market conditions. In contrast to global players, small companies can react quickly to opportunities, implement innovative ideas and adapt quickly to changing customer requirements.

Time Tracking Systems for Small Businesses: These are the Requirements

With regard to the Project time recording small companies have specific requirements and needs that require a tailor-made solution. While in large companies, experts are more likely to work on the respective projects, in small companies it is the all-rounders who contribute their expertise to various projects and thus cover several roles (as well as daily/hourly rates) at the same time. And this is precisely where the decisive added value of suitable software for project time recording lies. This enables your company to fully exploit your strengths in terms of agility and creativity by offering a customizable and flexible solution. To ensure that their business processes are not affected by additional administrative costs, small companies have more detailed requirements for software for project time recording:


The time you spend implementing project time recording software is more limited than in large companies. User-friendly project time recording software offers you the advantage that it can be quickly and easily integrated into existing work processes — without major installations, the fastest way to do this is with a cloud-based tool. In the best case scenario, this does not require extensive training or long training periods, so that your employees can immediately start recording their project times. This helps the team to be more efficient as less time is lost with administrative tasks.


Agreements with customers may also vary. While standard contracts often exist in large companies, as a small company, you can accommodate your customers to a certain extent (e.g. when it comes to travel expenses). And this is exactly where the flexibility of project time recording software comes into play. It must be able to be smoothly integrated into different project requirements and patterns without you losing track of things. What does that mean? You can easily add new projects and assignments, and adjust existing structures as project goals change. The flexibility of software enables you to adapt to new business opportunities and challenges in an agile way without wasting valuable time on complex adjustments.

Efficiency & use of resources

At a time when every resource, every budget item, and every minute plays a role, efficient project time recording is critical for your company. Because time is money! And precisely tracking work and project times allows you to invoice accurately, which in turn improves cash flow and supports business growth. Since small companies often have limited resources, they must be optimally used and used in a targeted manner in order to remain competitive. Project time recording helps to minimize wasted resources by ensuring that every hour of work spent has a clear contribution to the project and is therefore recorded directly so that the invoice can be sent smoothly at the end of the project. Advantage: You must use the Invoicing No more waiting several weeks until all project participants have entered their times!

Project transparency

Do you have a small team and would like to be able to continuously monitor the status of your projects and make adjustments if necessary? Project time recording software significantly improves transparency by providing insights into project progress and workload. This not only promotes internal communication, but also strengthens the trust of your customers. Because: Customers appreciate it when they can track the progress of their projects and know exactly what they're paying for.

In a world where innovation and flexibility often set the tone in small companies, project time recording is much more than just a tool — it is the key to optimizing and shaping a successful future. Project time recording software enables you to fully exploit your strengths in efficiency and adaptability and to be successful in a competitive market.

Project time tracking with ZEP: The perfect choice for small companies!

And now: Butter the fish! Are you wondering if there is a project time recording solution that is suitable for small businesses? The answer is yes — and it's called ZEP. Our Time recording software Is flexible and modular and adapts perfectly to the needs of small companies.

Small companies also benefit from ZEP. The Software Adapts flexibly to your work schedule and helps you to efficiently manage your projects and resources. With the module resource planning Keep an eye on project progress and can make optimal use of your limited resources. Do you often work with freelancers? The module Freelancers Facilitates collaboration and makes it possible to pay out recorded time spent directly as a credit note. Management of vacation and absences is also digital and uncomplicated with the module Overtime, absenteeism & vacation.

That's why time tracking software for small businesses is worthwhile! All benefits at a glance

Time recording systems for small businesses should be easy to use, flexible, and cost-effective. With a digital time recording system, small businesses can both reduce their costs and comply with legal regulations.

In times of increasing costs and increasing bureaucracy, it is crucial for small companies to make their operations efficient in order to minimize effort and operating costs and to be able to concentrate on their core tasks. There is great potential for savings in the area of Working time recording. Companies that switch from manual methods such as paper, analog time clocks or Excel spreadsheets to modern, integrated electronic time recording systems benefit from various advantages:

✅ Compliance with legal requirements

🔒 Ensuring data security

⏳ Significant time savings when collecting, processing and documenting employee data

📊 Ability to combine all relevant employee data such as working hours, overtime, project times, vacation and absences as well as work schedules in one system

🌟 Increasing attractiveness as a modern employer

Recording working time for small businesses: Is there a legal obligation?

Although the German Working Hours Act is not yet in line with the rulings of the European Court of Justice and the Federal Labor Court As amended, companies must already record the working hours of their employees, including SMEs and small businesses.

The current Draft bill However, it allows small businesses with up to ten employees freedom of choice. You don't have to Electronic time recording Use and can continue to Paper time sheets Use. In addition, there are different transition periods depending on the size of the company.


Small companies are characterized primarily by agility and creativity. Efficient project time recording software is therefore essential. Because: It optimizes work processes, controls costs and increases the quality of services. Search software must be easy to use, flexible, and efficient to meet the specific needs of small businesses.

Solutions such as ZEP, which seamlessly adapt to the needs of small businesses, enable optimal use of resources, promote project transparency and minimize administrative costs. This not only results in precise invoicing and compliance with legal regulations, but also strengthens the position as an attractive and modern employer.


When is a company a small business?

A small business is a company that has up to ten full-time employees. This definition is based on the Dismissal Protection Act (KSchG), Section 23 Paragraph 1. Companies founded before 2004 have a maximum of five employees. A microenterprise is a company that also has an annual balance sheet total of less than 2 million euros.

What methods can be used to record time?

Time tracking can be done in a variety of ways, including:

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Time Tracking for Small Businesses: All Rules & Tools

Find out why project time recording is essential for small companies and how modern software such as ZEP can help. Optimize your work processes, increase efficiency and remain competitive!

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