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Working time tracking

Time Tracking Working from Home: Regulations, Tips & Tools

According to the “time clock ruling” issued by the Federal Labour Court, time recording while working from home is relevant and software solutions such as ZEP offer a simple solution for legal and project-oriented time recording.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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Since “Time clock verdict” The topic of time recording is (again) on everyone's lips at the Federal Labour Court. There are still many questions that need to be answered, such as: What will the future look like with time recording in the home office? We have compiled the most important facts and figures.

Working from home: When is it possible?

Working from home is only possible if both the employer and the employee agree by mutual agreement. For this purpose, an additional agreement to the regular employment contract must be concluded, in particular Privacy Policy And the regulations on Time recording Be defined. Companies are required to provide suitable methods for recording time while working from home, if necessary.

Time recording while working from home: This is required by law

The same time recording regulations apply when working from home as in the office. The ECJ ruled in 2019 that EU states must adapt their working time laws to ensure complete documentation of working hours.

In Germany, the BAG clarified in 2022 that the obligation to record time exists even without specific legal regulation. Time Recording Systems must be “objective, reliable and accessible,” with companies being free to choose a solution that meets their specific requirements. A Working Time Recording Act It's still a long way off.

What regulations apply to working hours in the home office?

The Working Hours Act applies just as much when working from home as in the office, including the regulations on daily working hours. Employees are generally not allowed to work more than 8 hours per day, unless there is a specific need. In such cases, the working day may be extended to a maximum of 10 hours, provided that overtime is compensated within the following 6 months. Flexitime arrangements Are usually retained and can even be extended by working from home.

Do breaks and rest periods also apply when working from home?

In short: Yes, even when working from home, the Statutory breaks and rest periods. For working days of more than 6 hours, you must take a break of at least 30 minutes, if you work more than 9 hours, it is at least 45 minutes. In addition, there must be a rest period of at least 11 hours between work and the next working day; if this is shorter in one day, it must be balanced to 12 hours within four weeks.

Project Time Recording & Cohesion for Established Remote Teams

The home office has long since developed from a temporary solution to an integral part of modern work structures. Established remote teams that are already successfully managing their projects remotely are faced with the challenge of not only working efficiently, but also continuing to maintain team members' cohesion and individual development.

Despite the success already achieved, the principles of transparency, individual productivity, remain more effective resource planning, monitoring progress and strengthening personal responsibility and team culture are of the highest relevance. This is particularly true when it comes to transparency, as your team is no longer aware of what is happening with colleagues.

Even if your team is already working efficiently from home, the right software solution can make your day-to-day business even more successful. Flexible, modular and scalable software for Project time recording, like ZEP, not only automates your processes, but also allows you to tailor them to the specific requirements of your team. The use of proven software with reliable support facilitates integration and ensures smooth use in everyday work — even for remote teams.

Transparency as a basis for trust

Successful teams can also benefit from accurate recording of project and working time, as this not only provides clarity about the work done, but also strengthens trust between team members. An open communication culture is promoted by a clear presentation of working time and distribution, which forms the basis for harmonious and trusting cooperation.

Individual productivity

Even in teams that are already well-established working remotely, there is always room for optimization. The precise recording of project and working time enables your employees to check their individual productivity and make adjustments if necessary. This opportunity for self-reflection not only promotes one's own performance, but also integrates continuous improvement as an integral part of the team culture.

Resource planning for sustainable success

Experienced remote teams know the central importance of effective resource planning for current and future projects. ZEP not only provides insights into current and past projects, but also enables predictive planning with the resource planning module. By optimally allocating resources, potential bottlenecks can be avoided, which in turn supports the sustainable success of projects and promotes team cohesion.

Progress monitoring for sustainable success

Implementing projects remotely requires permanent monitoring of project progress. Time Recording plays a decisive role in this, not only helping to keep an eye on project progress, but also to identify delays or bottlenecks at an early stage. With the ZEP add-on module Overtime, absenteeism & vacation Always keep an eye on who is available and when and can therefore communicate the resources and timelines of your projects to your customers. This proactive approach enables your team to act flexibly and overcome challenges.

Strengthen personal responsibility & team culture

In established remote teams, the focus is not only on joint work, but also on the individual development of each team member. A software for Work and Project Time Recording Promotes personal responsibility by enabling employees to critically question their way of working and to optimize them independently. This self-determined approach not only strengthens individual performance, but also contributes significantly to promoting a transparent and cooperative team culture.

Digital team success through effective project time recording with ZEP

Working from home has long since become the new normal, and successful remote teamwork requires more than just the right tools — it requires a well-thought-out strategy. In this article, we have examined how teamwork can work in the home office and why intelligent project time recording plays a key role in this.

For teams that have been reluctant to take the step into working from home, there are clear strategies and innovative tools to overcome concerns and ensure effective collaboration. You have now got an impression of how well-thought-out project time recording, especially with ZEP, not only makes the transition process easier, but can also significantly influence the success of remote teams.

Concerns about the loss of personal interaction and the effectiveness of teamwork while working from home are understandable concerns. But with the right approaches, these obstacles can be overcome. Chat programs, video conferences, the introduction of routines and the recognition of successes create a positive working atmosphere and strengthen team cohesion, even when the members are physically separated from each other.

If you're skeptical about working remotely so far, the free 30-day trial period This is the perfect opportunity for ZEP to experience the benefits for yourself. Convince yourself and your team of the effectiveness of our software solution to use the flexibility of working from home while increasing the success of your joint projects.


In the age of working from home, clear regulations and efficient systems for time recording are essential to ensure the success and productivity of remote teams. The legal basis for recording time when working from home complies with office regulations, and breaks and rest periods must also be observed. The ECJ and the BAG have clarified that complete time recording is necessary, with companies having the freedom to choose suitable systems that meet their specific requirements.

The use of modern software solutions, such as ZEP, offers remote teams decisive advantages: It creates transparency, promotes individual productivity, enables effective resource planning and ensures precise progress monitoring. These functions contribute significantly to strengthening the team culture and personal responsibility of employees.


What is the difference between “home office” and “mobile work”?

The term “home office” refers to work that takes place entirely from home, while “mobile working” represents a more flexible form in which employees can change their work locations as they wish, for example between different workplaces or while on the move. Working from home is often tied to a fixed workplace at home, while mobile working offers more flexibility but also requires constant availability.

Which is the best app for recording working hours?

Yes, even with trust-based working hours, working hours must be documented, especially if there are legal requirements for time recording. Trusted working time does not mean that time recording is not required, but that documentation can often be reduced to the necessary minimum as long as the legal requirements are met.

Welches ist die beste App zur Arbeitszeiterfassung?

Die beste App zur Arbeitszeiterfassung hängt von den spezifischen Anforderungen eines Unternehmens ab. ZEP ist eine bewährte Lösung, die flexible und modulare Funktionen bietet, um die Zeiterfassung effektiv zu gestalten. Sie unterstützt nicht nur die Dokumentation der Arbeitszeit, sondern auch die Verwaltung von Projekten und Ressourcen, was besonders für Remote-Teams von Vorteil ist.

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