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Digital Leadership: Definition, Skills & Benefits

Learn how digital leadership helps companies operate successfully in the digital age through effective leadership, digital tools, and process optimization.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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In today's working world, companies face new challenges that require a revolutionary management concept: digital leadership. The increasing demand for flexibility, speed and agility is fundamentally changing not only work structures, but also the role of managers.

Digital Leadership: Definition

Digital leadership goes far beyond the use of digital tools. It is a management philosophy that makes it possible to navigate successfully in a connected and fast-moving business world. Leaders who practice promote digital leadership:

In order to remain competitive in this dynamic environment, companies must use their existing management concepts and Working models Not just rethink, but actively optimize.

Key role: digital leader

As a digital leader, you are much more than just a manager. You take on roles with a wide range of functions to successfully lead your team through the complex expanses of digital transformation processes.

Each function or role serves a specific purpose, whether it is delegating responsibilities, promoting openness to digitization, initiating innovations, or skillfully navigating through change. As a digital leader, you become a versatile player who actively shapes not only the present but also the future of the company, together with your team.

As a digital leader, you can prepare yourself for the following roles:

➡️ Leader: Delegate responsibilities

➡️ Specialist: Apply digitization options

➡️ Impulse generator: Drive innovation

➡️ Change manager: React proactively to change

➡️ Bridge builder: Educate the team about digital opportunities

➡️ Navigator: Coordinate tasks, set goals, plan resources

These core competencies are important

With the growing need for flexibility and agility In today's working world, as a manager, you are entering an era characterized by rapid changes and new challenges. But which competencies do you need to fulfill to be a modern digital leader who can motivate and engage your team?

🤝 Trust instead of (too much) control

⚙️ Create framework conditions

📊 Clear agreements and consequences

💡 Regular exchange of information

💬 Act Praise & Criticism constructively

These five core competencies that you should fulfill in digital leadership are the linchpin to be successful in this changing landscape.

Trust instead of (too much) control

As a digital leader, you rely on trust as a driving force. Assume that your team is working effectively even without a permanent physical presence. Focus on performance criteria such as customer feedback, project results, and work quality instead of just attendance time. Flexibility is crucial here. Overcome the fear of making the wrong decisions, free yourself from outdated structures and react agilely to changes. This promotes the digital transformation of your company. As a digital leader, you think disruptively, particularly when redesigning work processes and developing innovative business models. This approach enables you to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization and make your company fit for the future.

Create framework conditions

It is just as important to create clear framework conditions, particularly in an agile work environment. Define working hours and recovery periods as guidance for your team and to comply with legal requirements. Use software such as ZEP to support Time recording, also with regard to the BAG time clock verdict. As a digital leader, you always stay up to date with changes in the digital working world. Continuous education and transfer of knowledge to your team are crucial here.

Clear Agreements and Consequences

A core competence of digital leadership is establishing clear agreements and consequences. Define transparently how progress is measured and what is part of the project framework. Clear communication rules and project definitions minimize uncertainty and increase efficiency. Use software for project time recording and resource planning As support. Remember: Digital leadership is based on effective teamwork!

Regular exchange of information

For remote teams, regular exchange of information and fostering interaction are critical. Your role as a digital leader includes not only formal meetings, but also creating space for informal conversations that keep the team together. Your conviction and will to change are essential to drive the digital transformation process forward. Digital leadership relies on freedom for the team's self-determination and capabilities, supported by an open exchange of information.

Handling Praise & Criticism constructively

Digital leadership is about establishing an error culture in which mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn. Be open about your own mistakes, act as a role model and encourage factual discussion of new ideas. Think of your team as an agile engine for Project success and react flexibly to changes. Exemple a clear vision, sense of responsibility, empathy and appreciation in everyday life. Trust is created through eye level and creates a working environment in which zero-error tolerance is no longer up to date.

What are the typical challenges of digital leadership?

In digital leadership, you face particular challenges that go beyond traditional management tasks. Especially in a remote environment, the Duty of Care Increased attention for your workforce. The fusion of work and private life in the home office can lead to overwork and a lack of self-organization.

Your role as a manager is crucial in order to achieve regular Feedback rounds and constructive exchange to create a trusting and targeted working environment. Managing distance, promoting integration and setting clear goals are key tasks for successful digital leadership.

Process optimization: digitization & automation

Digital leadership requires the clever integration of digital tools to increase team efficiency. The use of tools such as ZEP for project management makes it possible to digitally map processes so that employees Regardless of their location Always stay informed. By assigning roles and access rights, using templates for routine tasks and electronic signatures, waiting times can be reduced and workflows can be optimized, ensuring smooth work both in the home office and in the office.

Quick response to industry change

Digital leaders must identify changes early on and implement them quickly in order to survive in global competition. This requires not only well-founded decisions based on collected data, but also the active involvement of the team, which can often contribute valuable up-to-date information and know-how. Through digital Project Management, targeted job postings and efficient approval processes, they can ensure that the company reacts flexibly and successfully to industry trends.

Create and maintain positive corporate culture

In digital leadership, social skills are crucial to successfully manage change and ensure employee acceptance. Empathy and personnel management are required to overcome uncertainties and act as a role model. An effective team building that Diversity Taken into account and on a uniform Onboarding As well as motivating employee interviews, helps to establish a positive corporate culture and anchor digital transformation throughout the organization.

Software support in digital leadership: This is how ZEP supports your company!

ZEP offers a comprehensive software solution that helps digital leaders to efficiently manage their projects and optimize team collaboration. With ZEP, you can:

As a digital leader, our co-CEO Benny Hahn also underlines the need for an efficient Project time recording, so as not to Attendance, but to manage according to productivity:

“This not only makes it possible to track project progress in ZEP, but also to adapt to unforeseen developments.”

Digital Leaders & the SMART Model: How They Can Connect

The SMART model helps digital leaders set clear and actionable goals that promote the success of digital transformation. Specific, measurable, attractive, realistic and timely objectives ensure that employees are able to work in a motivated and focused manner. By delegating responsibility to team members, goals can be effectively pursued and team agility improved, which is crucial for the success of digital leadership.

This is how digital leadership can be combined with other leadership styles

Digital leadership is versatile and can be successfully combined with various leadership styles to meet the specific requirements of digital transformation. Choosing the right management style depends on team dynamics, project goals and corporate culture.

Management StyleDescriptionBenefitsParticipatory Management StyleEncourages collaboration and communication by allowing employees to contribute ideas and suggestions. Strengthens innovation and team cohesion as decisions are made together and different perspectives are considered.Delegating leadership styleGives the team freedom of choice within specified limits, the digital leader provides feedback. Increases efficiency and motivation by allowing experienced employees to work agilely and act independently.Transformative leadership styleEmphasises close collaboration and motivates employees by incorporating their strengths and visions. Encourages intrinsic motivation and creates an engaged, innovative work environment as employees identify themselves more strongly.

The combination of these leadership styles with digital leadership makes it possible to respond flexibly to different needs and situations and to create an environment that promotes both innovation and commitment.


Digital leadership represents a comprehensive and dynamic challenge that goes far beyond the use of digital tools. It requires managers to act flexibly, create clear framework conditions and promote a trusting and motivating corporate culture. The integration of various management styles, such as participatory, delegating and transformative approaches, helps to successfully master digital transformations and efficiently lead the team through complex changes.

Tools such as ZEP provide valuable support for Process optimization And data management, while the SMART model helps set clear and actionable goals. In summary: Digital leadership requires managers to have a high level of empathy, adaptability, and strategic thinking in order to be successful in today's fast-paced business world.


What is an example of good digital leadership?

One example of good digital leadership is the successful integration of a participatory management style, in which employees are actively involved in decision-making processes to promote innovative solutions. Good digital leadership is also reflected in the effective use of tools such as ZEP for digital project management, which allows teams to work together smoothly and efficiently even when separated.

Why is digital leadership important for companies?

Digital leadership is critical for companies because it enables them to adapt quickly to the ever-changing digital landscape while promoting the flexibility and agility needed to succeed in today's business world. It supports the efficient use of digital tools and promotes a positive corporate culture that drives innovation and teamwork.

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