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Working time tracking for teachers: 100% mandatory or not?

The introduction of working time recording for teachers creates transparency and improves working conditions. Software solutions such as ZEP enable more efficient resource planning and promote work-life balance.

Tanja Hartmann
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Teachers only work in the morning and have plenty of free (vacation) time? Not at all! Teachers work much more than they need to. And what about working time recording for teachers? If you are reluctant and who really wants them, read the blog.

Time clock verdict: What effects does it have for teachers?

In 2019, the so-called Time clock ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which states that member states must oblige employers to introduce an objective and reliable system for recording working time. However, the ECJ ruling did not set a time frame for the implementation of this obligation to record working time.

Only in September 2022, the Federal Labour Court (BAG) specified the European verdict for Germany. Since then, it has been clear that the introduction of working time recording is mandatory! But: Does the obligation also apply to teachers*?

ℹ️ Due to better readability, the term “teacher” is used as an example for all teachers (m/f/d).

Does the obligation to record working hours also apply to teachers?

to set up and use.

This obligation to record working time therefore also applies to teachers, civil servants and members of science, although the BAG does not provide any precise information on how working time recording must be carried out. The precise design is the responsibility of the legislator. A first Draft bill from the Ministry of Labour It has been available since April 2023, but has not yet been implemented.

But one thing is clear: The daily work of teachers includes different work locations and a wide range of tasks, so that a particularly flexible solution for time recording is necessary. Digital time recording systems such as ZEP offer a good option here. They enable flexible recording of working time via various channels such as browsers or apps, which enables location-independent documentation.

Exemption for teachers: How many hours do teachers really work?

Mark Rackles, former State Secretary for Education and Vice President of the SPD in Berlin, has accused the ministers of education that they “have no great interest” in a Recording teachers' actual working time have. However, this would be necessary to show that teachers generally work more than required by the collective agreement. The problem: The work organization model in schools is based on an outdated system from the 19th century that has never been adapted to the requirements of modern education. The system simply determines the number of lessons per week that a teacher has to give. All other tasks — such as lesson preparation and follow-up, corrections, parental meetings — remain unclear and depend on the teachers' individual work performance. In practice, this means that teachers work around 47 hours on average — at least!

What are the challenges of teachers' working hours?

By international standards, teachers in Germany work many hours but have shorter teaching times. Rackles notes that the German working time model not only promotes overwork for teachers, but is also inefficient. The biggest burden factors lie in bureaucratic effort and data collection. Tasks that would be performed by assistant teachers or students in other countries.

that In September 2022, Federal Labor Court decided that employees in Germany should spend their entire (!) need to record working time. However, very little or nothing has happened in this regard in the school service since then. Rackles doubts that the working group formed by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs has little interest in tackling the issue of recording working time for teachers. Why If teachers' actual working hours were recorded, it would be clear that up to 30,000 additional teachers would be needed, which in turn would further exacerbate the existing teacher shortage.

Design: Alternative to the current working time model for teachers

In his Report for the Telekom Foundation Rackles outlines an alternative to the current working time model for teachers. He suggests using “annual working time as a basis of assessment” to record all hours worked and not just compulsory hours related to teaching. The allocation of working time should be based on the workload of the subjects and school levels — not on the type of school, as has been the case up to now. A reform to this effect was essential to make the teaching profession attractive again for young professionals and to encourage motivated teachers to return from part-time to full-time.

Rethinking working time models: What needs to change?

The introduction of comprehensive time recording could create transparency and trigger a necessary discussion about the actual activities of teachers:

⏱️ Complete recording of all working hours, not just lessons

📚 Clearer definition and recognition of times for instruction-related activities

⚖️ Comparison of actual working time with target working time to identify overloads

💰 Adjustment of remuneration to total working hours, not just to assigned lessons

🗣️ Promoting an open discussion about the distribution of tasks and the workload of teachers

Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs calls for exceptions to working time recording for teachers

Following the publication of the BMAS draft bill, it became clear that there should be no specific exemptions for teachers and scientists. In response, Berlin's Education Senator and President of the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) Katharina Günther-Wünsch wrote a letter to Federal Minister of Labour Hubertus Heil urging special legal regulations for these professional groups. She complained that the draft did not adequately take into account the “special situation of teachers”, as their working hours could not be measured or could only be measured in part, in particular in extracurricular activities. These times could neither be predicted in advance nor controlled by the employer. A suitable software for Working time recording could help, but KMK doesn't go far enough.

Günther-Wünsch also stated that the planned obligation to record working hours would only apply to teachers working on collective agreements, which could restrict the flexibility of work management. The Federal Ministry of Labour responded that there are no fundamental exceptions to Obligation to record working time I could give to teachers. Officials are also not exempted from this obligation, as the European concept of worker also includes civil servants and therefore the Time clock rulings by the ECJ and BAG for official teachers. The request for an exemption provision was rejected because the regulations of the Working Hours Act already apply to employees in schools and universities and would not be changed by recording working time for teachers.

This is how teachers (associations) react

When discussing working time recording for teachers, you often only hear political voices. But what do teachers think? A study has begun in Berlin for the 2023/24 school year, in which thousands of teachers record their working hours down to the minute, and Hamburg is planning something similar. Saxony wants to introduce working time recording for teachers in all types of schools from August 2024 in order to clarify the actual weekly workload. According to the Baden-Württemberg Philologists' Association, teachers want their working hours to be recorded reliably, as they work on average significantly more than the annual 1804 civil service hours. Parttime workers are particularly affected by the workload, as additional appointments such as conferences are added.

Two teachers from Baden-Württemberg, supported by the Philologists' Association, have Complaints about working time recording for teachers filed before the Stuttgart Administrative Court. They had recorded their actual working hours over the years and found that they were working well in excess of the planned 1800 hours per year. Despite the obligation to record working hours established by several courts, there is no such system for teachers in any German federal state. The lawsuits relate to these overtime hours and studies that show that teachers work more on average than expected without receiving compensation. The chances of success in court are good, as the basic ruling on the FOPH's time recording obligation applies even without a new law. Further lawsuits could follow if the federal government continues to address the issue slowly.

Working time tracking for teachers: Software & apps help

The introduction of working time recording for teachers could possibly bring about a change of perspective with regard to the working time model in general. Recording actual working time, i.e. actual working time, requires a comparison with the target working time. The model currently in use only pays teachers according to the lessons they have completed. The times for activities related to teaching (preparation, follow-up, corrections) and other tasks (parent meetings) remain only vaguely defined in the current model. However, if employers are required to record 100 percent of working time and thus also to compare 100 percent of working time with target working hours, the current hourly model for teachers may quickly prove inadequate.

At first glance, this may seem like a bureaucratic measure, but on closer inspection, there are numerous benefits that can lead to a more efficient way of working and, above all, to a better work-life balance for educators. Basic requirement: All participants — teachers, schools and politicians in the form of ministries of education — must be open to recording working time for teachers. With the right tools, you can also “stamp” anywhere. With ZEP, teachers can record their actual working time in detail — on the computer or via Time recording app. It also allows you to create a separate overtime account for each teacher and thus keep a close eye on who has worked and for how long.

Working time tracking for teachers: These are the benefits of ZEP!

One Software like ZEP But it does not only offer teachers various advantages. School administrations also benefit, as the data from ZEP makes it possible to precise resource planningto avoid bottlenecks as much as possible and to distribute the workload fairly. Efficient school management can improve working conditions and increase teacher satisfaction.

Transparency and clarityAccurate recording of actual workload, visibility of additional working hours. ✅ Fair distribution of workIdentifying and balancing unevenly distributed workloads, preventing individual teachers from becoming overloaded. ✅ Organization of working time & flexibilityBetter planning and organization of one's own working hours, promoting a better work-life balance. ✅ Legal protectionEvidence of overtime and legal basis for demanding compensation, protection against unpaid overtime. ✅ Basis for negotiationsSolid database for negotiations with employers and trade unions to demand better working conditions. ✅ Health and wellbeingPreventing overwork and burnout, taking early steps to reduce stress, and improve wellbeing. ✅ Increasing efficiencyInsights about inefficient work processes, optimization of work processes and increasing efficiency. ✅ Professional recognitionIncreased professional recognition and appreciation, better performance and recognition of the diverse tasks and effort.


The introduction of working time recording for teachers is not just a bureaucratic measure, but an important initiative to make actual workload and time transparent. The time clock ruling by the European Court of Justice obliges employers to implement such a system, which also applies to teachers. Although there has been little progress in implementation so far, initiatives such as lawsuits from teachers and the introduction of working time recording software in some federal states show increased awareness of the issue.

Comprehensive working time recording offers numerous benefits, including transparency, fair distribution of work, flexibility and legal protection for teachers. ZEP and similar software solutions can help not only teachers but also school administrators to plan resources more efficiently and improve working conditions. Reforming the working time model for teachers could make the job more attractive and help promote work-life balance. Ultimately, recording working time for teachers is a step towards a more equitable and efficient working environment in education.


Do teachers really have to record their working hours?

Ja, grundsätzlich gilt die Pflicht zur Arbeitszeiterfassung in Deutschland für alle Arbeitnehmer, unabhängig von ihrer Tätigkeit. Das Bundesarbeitsgericht hat entschieden, dass die Arbeitszeit von Lehrkräften ebenfalls erfasst werden muss, obwohl die genaue Ausgestaltung noch aussteht.

What are the challenges of recording working time for teachers?

Die größten Herausforderungen liegen in der Vielfalt der Aufgaben und Arbeitsorte von Lehrkräften sowie in der Flexibilität, die für eine passende Erfassung benötigt wird. Das aktuelle Arbeitszeitmodell basiert auf veralteten Strukturen und erfordert eine Anpassung an die modernen Anforderungen der Pädagogik.

What are the benefits of working time recording software such as ZEP for teachers and school administrators?

Eine solche Software bietet Transparenz, gerechte Arbeitsverteilung, Flexibilität und rechtliche Absicherung für Lehrkräfte. Für Schulverwaltungen ermöglicht sie eine präzise Ressourcenplanung und verbesserte Arbeitsbedingungen. ZEP und ähnliche Lösungen können die Effizienz steigern und die Work-Life-Balance fördern.

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