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Employer Branding Measures” 11 steps & tips

How can you strengthen your employer brand and attract the best talent? Discover 11 effective employer branding measures that help you stand out from the competition and optimize your recruiting strategy.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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In this article, learn how you can develop a strong employer branding strategy with 11 tried and tested steps and valuable tips. These measures are crucial not only to attract qualified applicants, but also to attract and retain talented employees for your company in the long term. Dive into the World of Employer Branding and Optimize Your Recruiting Strategy in Times of a Shortage of Skilled Workers.

What exactly is employer branding?

Employer Branding is a strategic initiative by the HR Department that aims to build and maintain an attractive employer brand. Through targeted measures, a company wants to positively address potential applicants, retain the existing workforce and position itself as a preferred employer in a competitive environment. Small and medium-sized companies can also benefit from employer branding by increasing their attractiveness as an employer.

Internal vs. external employer branding

Employer branding pursues two central goals: public image and internal corporate culture. External employer branding Aims to attract new employees through targeted measures and to make the company attractive to potential candidates. Internal employer branding On the other hand, it focuses on retaining existing employees, increasing their satisfaction and promoting a positive corporate culture. Both aspects are equally important, as a strong internal culture radiates positive effects to the outside world.

Employer Branding Measures: 11 Steps to Strategy

In times of Shortage of skilled workers Employer branding is becoming increasingly important to attract and retain qualified employees. 11 effective steps to develop a strong employer branding strategy will help you strengthen your employer brand, set yourself apart from the competition and build a committed and satisfied workforce in the long term.

Step 1: Identify your organization's values 🔍

What makes your company stand out as an employer and why should someone apply to you? The first step in employer branding is to clearly define your values, visions and employer value proposition (EVP). Your brand must represent something unique that no one else offers. Use your company history and mission to identify the particular added value that you offer as an employer.

Step 2: Get feedback from all levels in the company 📣

Although employer branding is primarily the task of the HR department, it should be practiced throughout the company. Ask your staff about the work situation and be open to suggestions for improvement. Use creative minds and positive testimonials for your recruiting campaigns. One Constructive feedback culture And integration at all levels is crucial to successful employer branding.

Step 3: Create a plan to communicate values to the target group 🗂️

Now it's time to communicate your value proposition from step 1 specifically to your target groups. Analyze your target groups and identify the appropriate contact points to reach them. Use channels such as your career page, social media platforms, online media, Newsletters, Employees as Brand Ambassadors as Well as Events and Career Fairs. A well-thought-out communication plan ensures that your messages are delivered effectively and consistently.

Step 4: Consider a content strategy 📝

After you have defined your corporate brand and defined the communication channels, the focus is now on content. Decide which content you want to publish, when and at what intervals, on which channels. Plan your participation in events to present yourself as an attractive employer and create relevant employer branding material such as employee interviews or videos. Regular publications are crucial to reach and retain your target audience. An editorial plan helps you stay structured and consistent.

Step 5: Use brand ambassadors from your company 🙋 ‍ ♂️

Your own employees are your best brand ambassadors. Use their positive feedback and authentic insights into everyday working life, e.g. through interviews or insight videos, to strengthen your employer brand. Make sure they can speak freely while you help them prepare for potential questions about the corporate climate.

Step 6: Build a Network 🤝

An employee network, whether through an intranet, chat functions or forums, is particularly valuable for new and long-standing employees. It promotes exchange about the workplace and strengthens team spirit through transparent internal communication. A well-functioning network helps employees integrate quickly and perceive the company as an attractive employer.

Step 7: Use different channels, platforms, or events 🌐

In order to effectively connect with applicants, you should pursue a diverse online and offline strategy. Optimize your company website for an outstanding user experience, run an informative company blog and present yourself on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. You can also use career networks such as LinkedIn and XING for exchanging ideas with potential candidates. Job fairs and similar events are available offline to strengthen and position your employer brand directly in personal contact.

Step 8: Recruiting: Find suitable employees 👥

In this step, your employer branding measures seamlessly merge with your recruiting strategies. Convincing employer branding often acts as the first point of contact with potential employees and lays the foundation for successful recruiting success. When your employer brand is convincing, you can reap the rewards of your efforts in the form of highly qualified and motivated employees.

Step 9: Make the application process positive ✨

The Employee Journey plays a central role in employer branding, as it covers all points of contact during the application process. A user-friendly online application process with a maximum of three steps, quick feedback and a streamlined selection process are crucial for leaving a positive impression on applicants. In addition, this should Onboarding Be well structured to give new employees a good start and to positively influence their perception of the corporate culture.

Step 10: Emphasize benefits in the company 💡

Employee Benefits Play a Decisive Role in the Attractiveness of a Employer. Even though not all options can be implemented, as with large tech companies, there are numerous ideas, such as discounts for leisure activities, gym subsidies, continuing education courses or sabbaticals, which can make your employees significantly happier. Emphasize these benefits to position your company as an attractive employer and attract applicants.

Step 11: Retain employees for the long term ⚓

In order to retain talented employees in the long term, it is important to continuously work on the employer image — keyword: Retention Management. Listen to feedback from your employees to increase their satisfaction and address any challenges. Use internal communication channels to benefit from the various benefits and a balanced Work-life balance To emphasize what also contributes to employee loyalty.

ZEP and Employer Branding: Your Software Solution for a Strong Employer Presence

Modern companies use ZEP for seamless Time recording and billing in project-oriented environments. This cloud-based software enables employees to Working hours Easy to record via a web-based interface — whether on a PC, laptop or via app. Integration with Project Management Functions ensures that time data is automatically assigned to the corresponding projects, which significantly improves billing accuracy and efficiency.

Such a modern and user-friendly solution not only contributes to Process optimization But also strengthens a company's employer branding. ZEP enables companies to position themselves as attractive employers who value modern technologies and an efficient Workplace Design Lays. By Automating Routine Tasks Such as Time Recording and Invoicing Companies can offer their employees more time for creative and demanding tasks, which in turn promotes employee satisfaction and retention.

These aspects make ZEP a central component in a company's efforts to strengthen its employer brand and attract talented professionals. Because a modern and efficient working environment not only appeals to existing employees, but also attracts new talent who are looking for innovative companies that offer their employees the best working conditions.

Typical mistakes in employer branding: You should avoid them!

Successful employer branding is crucial to attract and retain talented professionals. But there are some common mistakes that companies can make. These mistakes can significantly affect the company's image as an attractive employer. The following are some of the most common mistakes and their effects:

Unrealistic presentation of the companyMany companies tend to present an idealized image of themselves that doesn't reflect reality. When new employees discover that the promised values and working conditions are not being met, these leads to disappointment and increased termination rates. Authenticity is the key to gaining and maintaining trust.Lack of Communication and TransparencyA common mistake is inadequate communication about company values, goals, and culture. Without clear and regular communication, employees and potential applicants feel uncertain and uninformed. Transparent Communication creates trust and shows that the company takes its employees seriously.Inadequate feedback managementCompanies that ignore or do not actively seek feedback from their employees miss out on valuable opportunities for improvement. Effective employer branding takes into account the opinions and needs of employees and uses this feedback to continuously improve working conditions and corporate culture.Lack of adjustment to the marketThe job market and workers' needs are constantly changing. Companies that do not react flexibly to these changes quickly look outdated. It is important to regularly find out about new trends and expectations and to adjust employer branding accordingly in order to remain competitive.

Avoid these typical mistakes to create an authentic, trustworthy and attractive employer image. This is how you secure the best talent and promote a positive working atmosphere.


Strong employer branding is crucial in order to assert yourself in the competition for qualified specialists. By consistently implementing the 11 steps described above, companies can strengthen their employer brand and position themselves as an attractive employer. Authenticity, transparent communication and the integration of employee feedback are key factors here.

In addition, modern tools such as ZEP contribute to Process optimization and employee satisfaction at. Avoid typical mistakes such as an unrealistic presentation of the company and a lack of adjustment to the market in order to create an authentic and attractive employer image. In this way, you not only secure the best talent, but also promote a positive and committed working atmosphere.


What are the differences between employer branding and personnel marketing?

Employer Branding focuses on building and maintaining a strong employer brand in the long term in order to make the company attractive to current and potential employees. Personnel marketing, on the other hand, focuses on short-term measures to recruit specialists and fill vacancies.

What is an employer branding campaign?

An employer branding campaign comprises targeted measures and communication strategies to increase a company's attractiveness as an employer. These campaigns aim to strengthen the employer brand, attract qualified applicants and promote employee retention.

What all goes into an employer branding concept?

An employer branding concept includes the definition of corporate values, vision and employer value proposition (EVP), the analysis of target groups, the development of a communication strategy and the integration of employee feedback. Specific measures for internal and external communication of the employer brand and regular performance checks should also be included.

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