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Workplace Design: Examples, Tools & 5S Method

How can modern workplace concepts combined with efficient project time recording, revolutionize your day-to-day work? We have summarized the key principles for you.

Tanja Hartmann
Content Marketing Managerin
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A well-designed workplace is crucial for the well-being and performance of employees. In this article, we examine the key aspects of workplace design, from legal regulations to ergonomic principles to the application of the Japanese 5S method. Learn how to optimally set up your workplace to maximize safety, comfort, and efficiency.

What is workplace design?

Workplace design is a holistic approach that includes all measures for planning and implementing the work environment, working conditions and the workplace itself. In this regard, there is a corporate obligation to create jobs based on the criteria of profitability, reasonableness, feasibility, personal development and Satisfaction Be rated positively by your workforce.

Why is workplace design important?

The importance of workplace design is twofold: On the one hand, it pursues the goal of ensuring long-term employee satisfaction, and on the other hand, it significantly influences the economic success of your company, which depends heavily on the performance of your employees. The principles of workplace design are shaped by the two central criteria of humanization and economic efficiency.

Workplace design creates framework conditions that ensure that the body and mind are neither overburdened nor understressed. Standards such as DIN EN ISO 26800:2011 and DIN EN ISO 6385:2004 Set international standards that oblige you to create humane jobs that support the optimal performance of your workforce.

An overview of the different areas

Workplace design is described in Three main areas subdivided:

🖥️ Ergonomic workplace designFocus on the physical equipment of the work environment, including noise reduction and occupational safety measures.📅 👥 Organizational workplace designIncludes working conditions, structuring working hours, break regulations, team hierarchies, and task structure.💻 🌐 Technological workplace designImportance is growing through digitization, including the requirements of the BAG ruling on recording working time. Cloud-based software for precise project time recording supports this area.

What are the legal requirements for workplace design?

ergonomically designed to promote their health and performance. The main legal requirements that companies must comply with in order to meet the requirements of preventive occupational health and safety are explained below:

Occupational Health and Safety Act

The Occupational Health and Safety Act in Germany is fundamental for protecting and promoting the physical and mental health of all employees. It requires all employers to comply with certain occupational safety and health standards. This includes regular training of employees in these areas and the appointment of a safety officer in companies with more than 20 employees.

Accident prevention regulations

The Accident Prevention Regulations of Professional Associations establish preventive measures aimed at preventing or minimizing accidents and occupational diseases. These regulations are supervised by supervisory officials from professional associations and, in the event of non-compliance, Administrative fines of up to 10,000 euros Be imposed.

The relevant regulations within the framework of occupational health and safety laws include the Workplace Ordinance, Construction Site Ordinance, VDU Work Ordinance and the Noise and Vibration Occupational Safety Ordinance.

Works Council and Workplace Design

In accordance with Section 90 and Section 91 of the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG), the Works Council has important rights in the event of changes in the workplace. These include information and consultation rights as well as a corrective right of participation if adjustments contradict the humane organization of work. In the event of disagreements between the works council and employer, measures to avert, mitigate or compensate for the burden can be clarified by a conciliation body.

Modern workplace design — 4 examples

Modern workplaces are increasingly geared to the needs of the workforce. The employee experience, i.e. the experience that employees have with their company, is becoming increasingly important. Positive experiences promote overall satisfaction and also serve as an effective tool in recruiting. Noise, mobility, interior design and modern software are examples of aspects of modern workplace design:

Noise 🔊

Noise can't only be seen as annoying, but can also significantly affect the health of your employees. To avoid stress caused by noise, a noise level of 55 decibels in the office should not be exceeded. This is roughly equivalent to the volume of a normal conversation. A target value of 35 decibels is required in a small office space and 45 decibels in an open-plan office. By way of comparison, a standard laser printer produces a noise level of around 50 decibels. Modern workplaces must therefore create spaces that enable interaction but at the same time support focused work. Concepts such as rest areas, headset policies and sound-reducing measures are used here.

Mobility 📲

Modern work is no longer limited to a fixed place of work. Mobile Systems for time recording, laptops and the provision of work equipment for the home office are an integral part of modern workplace design. Positive side effect: With this corporate policy, you become attractive for Professionals From all over the world. Because: Microsoft's Work Trend Index 2021 also shows that hybrid work is increasingly becoming the focus of workplace design.

interior design 🛋️

Companies such as Apple and Microsoft rely on individually designed office spaces to promote employee satisfaction and strengthen identification with the company. The Range Ranges from Telephone Boxes to Café Rooms and Modern Canteens with Live Cooking. It doesn't have to be quite that big for you — even a beautifully designed tea/coffee kitchen can inspire dialogue among your employees.

Software equipment 🌐

In addition to equipment-relevant components, such as lounges, ergonomic seating, etc., the software equipment also determines how efficiently your team can work. For German Companies, the Following Applies at the Latest BAG verdict From September 2022, the obligation to record working hours precisely. Support your team with digitized time recording by introducing an established software solution such as ZEP. Why digital? Because manual time sheets or confusing Excel lists are prone to errors, time-consuming and outdated.

Project time recording with ZEP — upswing in working time management

In the era of digital transformation, the Project time recording With ZEP, a change has been initiated in how companies manage their employees' working and project hours. Our tool goes far beyond traditional Time recording And brings numerous benefits for companies and employees alike. By using ZEP, you not only support your employees in the precise and project-based recording of their Working hours, but also contribute significantly to improved workplace design.

Increasing efficiency

By tracking how much time your employees spend on various projects, you get detailed insights into your organization's efficiency. This helps to identify bottlenecks at an early stage to optimize processes and to increase productivity.

resource management

Accurate time recording enables better resource management. With the ZEP add-on module resource planning For example, you can track how much time is spent on specific tasks or projects. Accordingly, you have a solid basis for planning and allocating resources, such as people, budget, and time, more effectively.

Billing & budgeting

In Service Industries in Particular, Accurate Time Recording Is Essential in Order to Correctly Bill Customers and Project budgets Comply. With the additional module Invoicing Equip your accounting workplace in the best possible way for transparent invoicing and detailed reporting.

Improved project planning

Recordings of past projects can significantly help you plan future projects. Your Project Managers Will Help You with the Additional Module Planned hours Be very thankful. Why Well, this allows you to use the time spent on similar tasks in the past as a guideline for the future Project planning Use.

Legal & legal requirements

In some industries, accurate time recording and reporting (e.g. in the form of project time sheets) are a legal requirement. Especially when it comes to working hours, overtime or compliance requirements. With the additional module Overtime, absenteeism & vacation Always keep an eye on all attendances and absences of your workforce and — thanks to the personal overtime account per employee — can prove at any time how much time each team member has spent on a project. In addition, this module helps you with vacations, absences and legal break regulation to consider.

Implementing ZEP as part of workplace design therefore not only promotes accurate time recording, but also enables you to make data-based optimizations that can lead to a more effective and happier workforce. Companies that use ZEP for Project Management Use as part of an optimized workplace design, position yourself as pioneers in the modern working world and create a basis for sustainable increases in productivity.

Do you want to update your employees' workplaces not only in analog but also digitally? You can ZEP for 30 days without obligation and Test for free. Our support team will be happy to help you with this.

Workplace Design Using the 5S Method

Die 5S method, also as 5A method in German-speaking countries Known, was developed to reduce time wasted in companies. Originally derived from the Kaizen philosophy in Japan, it was created by Toyota in the middle of the last century to optimize inefficient processes.

The practical application of the 5S method requires the implementation of all phases! Examples show how various professions, from workshop workers to dentists, can benefit from the method. The method is part of lean management, which aims to make continuous improvements, avoid waste and adopt the customer perspective. Applying the 5S method can increase efficiency and have long-term positive effects on your business in various areas, including office environments.

This is what 5A stands for:

Sort outEmployees rank tools and objects in order of importance to eliminate superfluous things in the workplace.cleanupThe workplace is tidied up according to the motto “Order is half the story” in order to increase efficiency.Workplace cleanlinessA clean workplace promotes wellbeing and makes a positive impression on visitors.ArrangementWorkplace improvements are being introduced as a standard to design similar workplaces in the company.Maintain & improve everythingThis step ensures that previous measures become habitual and are continuously improved.


A well-designed workplace is fundamental to the well-being and performance of employees. This article has shown how, by complying with regulatory requirements, applying ergonomic principles, and using the 5S method, a work environment can be created that maximizes safety, comfort, and efficiency. An optimal workplace design not only contributes to employee satisfaction, but is also decisive for the long-term economic success of a company.


What all goes into workplace design?

Workplace design includes physical equipment (ergonomic furniture, noise protection), organizational aspects (working time models, break regulations) and technological requirements (digital tools, software solutions). The aim is to create a work environment that promotes employee health and productivity.

What are principles of workplace design?

Workplace design is based on principles of humanization and economic efficiency. It strives to create working conditions that both meet the individual needs of employees and contribute to the efficiency and performance of the company.

What is the goal of workplace design?

The main goal of work design is to create a work environment that promotes employee satisfaction and health while increasing the productivity and economic success of the company. By optimising work processes and conditions, the aim is to create a win-win situation for all parties involved.

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