Project management

Putting together a project team " What is important?

What is important when putting together a successful project team and why is precise project time recording crucial? Optimise your project work with sound insights and practical tips for efficient team management and project control.
Putting together a project team " What is important?

Project work can be a complex challenge, requiring the coordination of a multitude of tasks, team members and resources. For projects to be completed successfully, a specialised project team and accurate project time tracking are crucial. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at these two aspects and explain their importance for your project success.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

Roles in the project team
Putting together a team
Project Management Team - Challenges
Optimise project work with ZEP

Precise team structure for your project success

The right structure of your project team is essential for the success of the project. Efficient cooperation and clear responsibilities in the team form a stable foundation so that your project actually achieves the desired success. After all, what good is a large team if everyone works on their own and no one works together? A well-structured team enables a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of each team member. Everyone knows exactly which tasks are assigned to them and who is responsible for certain decisions. Advantage: Efficiency is promoted, duplication of work is avoided and tasks are completed on time.

These roles absolutely belong in the project team!

An effective project team needs a balanced mix of skills, but certain roles are essential in almost every project. In this section, we look at the key roles and their responsibilities that lay the foundation for project success.

Project manager: The key to successful project coordination

An experienced project manager is essential for the success of your project. This role requires not only expertise and leadership qualities, but also a close connection to the day-to-day business and business processes.

Tasks of a project manager:

🔄 Coordination of the project team and work processes

📅 Realistic and forward-looking planning

💰 Adherence to the budget and schedule

🚀 Ensuring smooth project implementation

Successful team completes success formula

Is your project team as colourful as the requirements of your projects? That's a good thing! Because in a successful project team, each member takes on a specific role that contributes to the successful realisation of the project. The clear definition and allocation of these roles is crucial for efficient collaboration and the optimal utilisation of the individual skills and experience of each team member. Everyone knows what they are responsible for within the project.

And how do the team members record their project times? Each project team member has different obligations and rights when it comes to correctly recording project times. In our project-orientated software solution ZEP, each team member can record their project times individually - from user to admin.

Role Authorisations


  • Record times and receipts on a project basis
  • Make entries and corrections (within the defined framework)
  • Evaluation of self-collected data for self-monitoring
User with additional rights
Project controller
  • View all projects without being assigned
  • View project analyses including sales, target figures, budget and resource planning (without revenue analyses)
  • All Departments and Project documents view (except employee and customer documents)
  • Search for projects and customers
  • Create project analyses and employee evaluations
  • Read authorisation for all projects
  • Customise format and create payment documentation
  • View cover sheets of customers and employees
  • Management of all basic data
  • Correction of recorded times and receipts of all employees
  • Creation of analyses for all transactions
  • Centralised recording, project planning and customer/employee management
  • Definition of authorisations

Putting together a project team: What should you consider?

Proceed in a planned and structured manner when putting together the project team. First appoint a person to lead the project, who should then influence the composition of the team. This close collaboration is crucial, as the project manager leads and motivates the team.

A strong team: success with these commonalities

A successful project team is characterised by certain features that significantly influence the success of the project. The most important characteristics of a successful project team are listed below.

Characteristics of a successful project team:

  • Common project goal: All team members pursue the same goal and work together to achieve it.
  • Clear allocation of roles and tasks: Everyone in the team knows their role and tasks, which increases efficiency and accountability.
  • Balanced team composition: A balance of professional and social skills ensures a holistic approach to tasks and challenges.
  • Well-planned workflows: Structured processes and workflows facilitate collaboration and increase productivity.
  • Strong team spirit: A strong sense of togetherness promotes cohesion and commitment among team members.
  • Dedicated work: Goal- and results-orientated work and a high level of motivation drive the project forward.
  • Open conflict resolution: Conflicts are addressed openly and resolved constructively in order to improve cooperation.
  • Support from management: The project organisation receives recognition and support from the management and the entire workforce.

Project progression: What challenges & expectations does a team have to face?

In the course of a project, teams are confronted with various challenges that are both technical and interpersonal in nature. Selecting the right professionals with the right skills is crucial to achieving the goals set. In addition, team members must be able to work together effectively and constructively manage potential differences in working styles and personalities to ensure the project runs smoothly.

The best tips for effective team management

Effective team management is crucial in project management in order to increase productivity and promote innovation. Collaborative teams not only achieve better and faster results, but also develop more creative solutions and services.

Tips for effective team management:

Encourage collaboration across disciplinary boundaries:
  • Build cross-functional teams that cover different areas of expertise.
  • Utilise the diverse knowledge and skills of team members to achieve innovative results.
Define clear processes and goals:
  • Make sure that everyone in the team understands the processes and is focussed on common goals.
  • Clear communication and regular feedback are crucial here.
Motivate active participation:
  • Set expectations for active participation in the team.
  • Promote a culture of cooperation and mutual support.
Efficient problem solving and support:
  • Support your team in mastering difficult tasks.
  • Create an environment in which team members can talk openly about challenges and develop solutions together.

Accurate project time recording for successful project teams

A precise Project time tracking is indispensable for success in project management. It enables project managers to accurately measure and document the effort required for each task and the entire project. Modern software solutions such as ZEP optimise this process by creating an efficient and transparent Recording of working hours support.

The precise recording of working hours not only helps with the Resource planningbut also for budget control. Project managers can thus monitor the actual time spent, keep costs in check and take timely measures to control costs. In addition, detailed project time tracking promotes project transparency by providing a clear overview of the project's progress and enabling well-founded cost control. Communication with stakeholders made possible.

Optimise your project work now with ZEP: The best software solution for your company

The right project team structure, a well-founded Project time tracking and clearly defined roles and responsibilities are crucial to the success of your project. Modern software solutions such as ZEP offer functions for task management, resource planning and Time recordingthat enable effective project management. Tasks can be clearly assigned, Prioritised and progress in real time, which identifies bottlenecks at an early stage, optimises the use of resources and thus optimises the long-term project success secures.

Accurate recording of working hours using time tracking tools such as ZEP enables precise measurement of the time spent on tasks and project steps, supports progress monitoring, budget control and optimises workload distribution. Overall, such software solutions facilitate efficient project work, improve time management and promote team collaboration - even in the case of collaborative working.


In conclusion, it can be said that the correct structuring of a project team and precise project time recording are crucial to the success of any project. A well-organised team structure with clear roles and responsibilities increases efficiency and optimises collaboration. State-of-the-art software solutions such as ZEP help project managers to manage tasks effectively, utilise resources optimally and ensure the long-term success of the project. The exact recording of working hours not only enables precise budget control, but also transparent reporting and effective communication with all stakeholders. With ZEP, companies can optimise their project work and ensure that every team member can make their contribution to success.


What are the phases of team development?

A project team typically goes through several phases of team development: forming, storming, norming and performing. In the forming phase, the team members get to know each other, followed by the storming phase, in which conflicts can arise. In the norming phase, rules are established, while in the performing phase the team works together effectively to achieve the project goals.

How big should a project team be?

The optimal size of a project team depends on the complexity of the project, but as a rule it should be small enough to enable efficient communication and clear roles, but large enough to cover all the necessary skills and perspectives. A size of 5-9 team members is often considered ideal.

How do I motivate a project team?

A project team can be motivated by clearly communicating the project goals, recognising and appreciating achievements, promoting a positive team climate, creating development opportunities for team members and involving them in decision-making processes. A Constructive feedback culture and creating an environment in which team members feel supported and valued are also crucial for motivation.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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