ERP software for projects

Project ERP for managing all project processes and resources

Integrate all project processes in a comprehensive system that efficiently combines planning, control and evaluation.

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4.7 out of 5 stars on ProvenExpert

More than 2,000 companies rely on ZEP

Complete project business from offer to invoicing

ZEP combines all project processes in one tool to convert all project phases from manual to automated.

Holistic immigration survey

Record working hours, travel costs and external costs directly on projects and customers

Mit ZEP als ERP-System erfassen Sie alle Aufwände zentral und automatisch auf Ihre Projekte, was den Abrechnungsprozess deutlich vereinfacht. Die Integration eines umfassenden ERP-Systems wie ZEP reduziert Fehlerquellen, spart Zeit und ermöglicht Ihnen einen vollständigen Überblick über alle projektbezogenen Kosten – in Echtzeit. So optimieren Sie die Abrechnung und schaffen die Grundlage für eine zuverlässige Projektsteuerung.

Resource & capacity planning

Plan and optimally utilize resources and employee capacities

ZEP liefert Ihnen Echtzeitdaten, um personelle Engpässe frühzeitig zu erkennen und Projekte mit der idealen Verfügbarkeit Ihrer Teams umzusetzen. Als ERP-System sorgt ZEP dafür, dass Ihre Projekte reibungslos ablaufen. Verteilen Sie Aufgaben und nutzen Sie Ihre vorhandenen Kapazitäten so, wie Sie es für jedes Projekt benötigen. Mit einem ERP-System steigern Sie nicht nur die Produktivität, sondern schaffen auch ein ausgewogenes Arbeitsumfeld für Ihr Team.

Project Management & Controlling

Keep an eye on budget planning and variances

Behalten Sie Ihren Projektfortschritt stets im Blick – mit einem ERP-System wie ZEP. Eine detaillierte Soll-Ist-Übersicht ermöglicht es Ihnen, geplante und tatsächliche Projektzeiten sowie Kosten präzise zu vergleichen. Budgetabweichungen erkennen Sie in Echtzeit und können sofort Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen. Dank intuitiver Reports und Dashboards bietet ZEP Ihnen die Grundlage für fundierte Entscheidungen. Das ERP-System ist Ihr verlässlicher Partner, um Projekte effizient zu steuern und erfolgreich abzuschließen.

Offers, invoices & accounting export

Preparation of offers, sending invoices and communication with accounting in one system

Erstellen Sie mit ZEP als Ihrem ERP-System individuelle Angebote und versenden Rechnungen auf Basis der erfassten Projektzeiten mit einem Klick. Die automatische Exportfunktion von ZEP ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration in Ihre Buchhaltungssoftware. Dadurch sparen Sie Zeit, vermeiden manuelle Fehler und gestalten Ihre Finanzprozesse deutlich effizienter.

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Digitize your project business

Hosting and development in Germany
Try it out for 30 days without obligation

Successful companies track times and porjects with ZEP

AB projects GmbH

Making project successes measurable - software supports IT service providers

ZEP Professional
11-50 employees
IT services

LBBW Asset Management Investment-Gesellschaft mbH

165 employees have an overview of all project data

ZEP Professional
201-500 employees
Other sector

sovanta AG

Cloud-based project time recording overcomes limits

ZEP Professional
51-200 employees
IT services

Our recommended product configuration

Expandable as required.


ZEP Professional

/per user
Time tracking
Employee administration
Customer management
Project planning
project management
Sales & cost calculation
Travel expense report
Project controlling
Unlimited reports
Automated workflows
Mobile app & browser
Numerous integrations
Modularly expandable
Overtime, absenteeism & vacation

Centrally manage overtime, absences & vacations

Manage, Approve, and Monitor Overtime, Absenteeism, and Vacation Requests all in one place.


Create and send standardized offers centrally

Create and send offers quickly and in a standardized way with uniform templates, approval rules and direct email delivery.

Departments, Branches & Locations

Record working hours at departments and locations

Record working hours centrally and assign them directly to departments, branches and locations.

Resource planning

Planning and monitoring employee resources

Dynamically adapt your resources to project requirements and avoid overloads through detailed reporting.



Create individual invoices for projects and customers, automate the billing of expenses, and always keep track of open items and sales forecasts.

More than 2,000 companies already rely on ZEP

The time tracking of choice — from startups to large corporations.

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“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”

männlicher Avatar

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

district manager

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT consultant

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”

männlicher Avatar

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

district manager

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT consultant

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR Manager

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT Consultant

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

District Manager

“Ideal employee management support thanks to a 360 degree view of employee availability, daily reports and automated vacation and absence management.”


“Comprehensive solution for recording project and working times. In particular, compliance with legal regulations (minimum rest time, break times, maximum working hours, etc.) can be tracked very well. “

HR Manager

“We have been using ZEP for over 10 years to record working hours (billable, non-billable). This is a great basis for invoicing our customers.”

Head of Success

“ZEP impresses with its intuitive time and project management and offers excellent customer support!”

IT Consultant

“Quick project bookings and evaluations. Yet a high degree of flexibility. Good modular design. You can easily adapt the system to your own needs.”

Senior Business Consultant

“We use ZEP for precise time recording, vacation management and absenteeism. With ZEP, our employees can also record their working hours while working from home, which enabled us to replace several previously used tools.”

District Manager

Integrate ZEP into your setup

We ensure that ZEP is in harmony with the rest of your IT infrastructure.

ZEP-Logo mit anderen Logos

ZEP interface

Standardised data exchange using SOAP and REST

Personio Logo


Transfer of ZEP time bookings and Personio master data

Excel export

Standardised exports in XLS and CSV formats

View all interfaces
View all interfaces

ERP-System im Unternehmen erfolgreich einführen


1. Budgetierung festlegen

Definieren Sie ein realistisches Budget für das Projekt und sichern Sie die erforderlichen Finanzmittel.
Achten Sie auf alle Kosten, inklusive Software, Schulung, Datenmigration und Wartung.

2. Geschäftsprozesse prüfen

Ermitteln Sie bestehende Prozesse, die verbessert oder ersetzt werden müssen.
Erstellen Sie ein Dokument, das die Anforderungen des neuen ERP-Systems festhält.

3. Projektteam bilden & Ziele setzen

Stellen Sie ein kompetentes Projektteam zusammen und definieren Sie klare Ziele.
Erarbeiten Sie einen Zeitplan mit messbaren Meilensteinen.

4. Auswahl des passenden ERP-Anbieters

Recherchieren Sie verschiedene ERP-Anbieter und -Lösungen.
Fordern Sie Demos an und treffen Sie eine fundierte Auswahl basierend auf den Anforderungen.

5. Systemanpassungen vornehmen

Konfigurieren Sie das ERP-System zusammen mit dem Implementierungspartner, um alle Anforderungen zu erfüllen.
Achten Sie auf eine detaillierte Anpassung an Ihre spezifischen Geschäftsprozesse.

6. Datenmigration vorbereiten

Entscheiden Sie, welche Daten ins neue System übertragen werden und welche archiviert oder gelöscht werden.
Achten Sie auf die Qualität der Daten, um eine reibungslose Migration zu gewährleisten.

7. Durchführung von Tests

Testen Sie das System und die wichtigsten Funktionen während der Implementierung
Führen Sie einen Benutzerakzeptanztest durch, um sicherzustellen, dass das System den Anforderungen entspricht.
Identifizieren und beheben Sie mögliche Schwachstellen vor der finalen Einführung.

8. Schulung und Einführung

Schulen Sie alle relevanten Mitarbeiter im Umgang mit dem neuen ERP-System.
Starten Sie das System offiziell und schließen Sie eventuelle offene Schulungs- und Konfigurationsbedarfe ab.
Erstellen Sie eine Dokumentation für Schulung und laufende Nutzung.

9. Support, Wartung, Feedback

Etablieren Sie ein Support-Team, das den Benutzern zur Verfügung steht und regelmäßige Wartungsaufgaben übernimmt.
Sammeln Sie Feedback von allen Beteiligten, um den Erfolg des Projekts zu bewerten.
Planen Sie zukünftige Erweiterungen und analysieren Sie Verbesserungspotenziale.


Frequently asked questions and answers about ZEP.

How does ZEP help with project controlling and budget control?

With ZEP, you have a detailed target/actual overview that allows you to compare planned and actual project times and costs. The real-time evaluation and the reports provided help to identify budget deviations at an early stage and to initiate appropriate measures.

Can I also create offers and invoices with ZEP's project ERP solution?

Yes, ZEP makes it possible to create and send individual offers and invoices based on the recorded project times. The project ERP solution can also be linked to accounting via automatic export functions to reduce administrative costs.

How does project ERP support resource and capacity planning?

ZEP provides a real-time overview of available resources and capacities. As a result, employees can be planned in a targeted manner, personnel bottlenecks identified at an early stage and projects implemented with optimal resource utilization.

What are the benefits of ZEP as a project ERP for project management?

As a project ERP, ZEP combines all project processes from planning to evaluation in a comprehensive system. It enables efficient management and control of budgets, project times and resources so that all phases of a project can be optimally monitored and managed.

Discover the possibilities of ZEP

ZEP is powerful, easy to use and can adapt to your needs. See for yourself!

Hosting and development in Germany
Try it out for 30 days without obligation