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Agile project management — definition, benefits & values

Beyond Scrum: Discover how the values and principles in the agile manifesto serve as a guide for flexible and proactive agile project management. Even with your projects!

Tanja Hartmann
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What is agile project management?

Do you think agile project management and Scrum are the same? That is not true! Rather, agile project management comprises a generic term for more than 50 different agile methods, frameworks or approaches that are used in an agile project environment. The term does not describe an independent method, but rather represents a philosophy or an approach to product or service development that is based on defined values and principles.

Agile project management is characterized by self-organized teams, the quest for continuous improvement, a focus on high-quality services and intensive communication.

The desire for clear processes and rules has resulted in various frameworks and methodologies based on agile guidelines. The basic idea is to develop rules and descriptions of processes and roles with which agile ideas can be implemented in practice. In this article, we present the agile manifesto in detail so that you can further advance your project management processes.

What does agility mean?

How often do you use the term “agile” in everyday language? Probably not very often. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at this word. Derived from the Latin term “agilis” (movable), this describes Gabler Business Encyclopedia Agility in the economic environment as

“... the agility, agility or mobility of organizations and people or in structures and processes. You react flexibly to unforeseen events and new requirements. When it comes to change, for example, you are not only reactive but also proactive. ”

In summary: Someone who acts agilely is not a slow-acting block, but reacts flexibly and proactively to changes. But: How did this term find its way into our current project management? Surprisingly, agile approaches have existed not just since the upsurge in the software industry.

The Agile Manifesto — 4 Values & 12 Principles

Today, we experience agility everywhere: In the company, in teamwork and in projects. Even though the agile manifesto was developed by 17 representatives from the software industry, it can be applied to all industries in today's business world — including project management. The agile manifesto defines four important values:

The 4 core values of agile project management

Agile values provide a basis for making projects successful and efficient by focusing on the key aspects of collaboration and development. These values emphasize the importance of people and interactions, functioning products, close collaboration with customers, and the ability to respond to change:

The 12 principles that define agile project management

What can you do with these values now? The following 12 principles of the agile manifesto bring these values to life and provide you with concrete courses of action on how you can approach agile project management:

These 12 principles provide basic guidelines for an agile project management in your company. Process models and frameworks such as Scrum are based on the values and principles of the agile manifesto. They provide a clear framework within which you can complete your project. To work successfully in an agile environment, you should regard the manifesto as a kind of code of conduct from everyone involved — from the top manager to every single member of your project team.

Transparency & flexibility: Discover ZEP for your project management!

Agile project management has developed in various industries such as software development, engineering, construction and business consulting established as an important way of working. The principles of the agile manifesto form the basis of this methodology, and methods such as Scrum, which are based on these values, support practical implementation. Tools for Project time recording like ZEP facilitate practical implementation and documentation in agile project management. that ticket system in ZEP enables detailed planning and management of tasks and helps to integrate the agile principles of the manifesto into everyday project work. This method promotes structured planning and monitoring of tasks, creates transparency and improves collaboration within the team.

The ZEP additional module Tickets, Tasks & To-dos is central to efficient agile project management. It enables a clear allocation of tasks to projects and transparent communication within the team. Flexibility is an essential aspect of agile project management and ZEP supports this by easily adapting tasks and priorities. The integration of customer feedback also plays an important role; the module makes it possible to create tickets directly from emails and involve customers in the project process. This not only promotes customer centricity, but also enables a quick response to customer needs and agile work in a team. By documenting tasks in a structured way, teams can carry out retrospective analyses to learn from successes and failures.

Agile methods in the business environment: A review

Project management is slow and heavily focused on planning — this is the widespread idea of project management. The development of agile approaches and the replacement of the outdated waterfall model was made possible by digitization and the increased emphasis on software projects. But: Even before that, there were agile methods:

These are a few examples, but the breakthrough of agile methods was ultimately achieved in the software industry. Since the late 1980s, agile approaches have prevailed across the board. Here, work increasingly focused on the importance of self-responsible and self-organized teams. In 2001, then The agile manifesto developed by leading minds in the software industry. The agile manifesto provides basic guidelines for the efficient development of software. The underlying approach is to avoid inefficient and redundant elements.

Agile project management: advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Agile project management, when used correctly and tailored to the right industry, offers numerous benefits. However, this method of working is not suitable for every project and can also have disadvantages if used improperly:

benefits✅ Quick prototyping ✅ Continuous optimization of products/services ✅ Efficient use of resources ✅ Close cooperation with customers ✅ Quick problem identification


drawbacks⛔ Difficulties for large teams ⛔ Risk of loss of control due to less defined action processes at the start of the project ⛔ Quick decisions unsuitable for companies that need a lot of time for analyses ⛔ Constant collaboration in which communication problems can arise ⛔ High responsibility of Scrum Masters and Product Owners

The variety of agile methods: These are the different representatives

Are you always looking for effective methods to optimize your work processes and organize your team? The following agile methods have proven to be extremely effective in this context:


Scrum is a proven and popular agile framework that enables teams to achieve iterative progress and short time frames — so-called sprints. It is based on the principles of transparency, inspection, and customization, which promotes effective collaboration and continuous improvement of products or services. Scrum defines clear roles and events that structure and optimize the development process. Artifacts are also used to track project progress.



Kanban is an agile method that originally comes from lean production and was later adapted for software development. It focuses on optimizing the flow of work to identify bottlenecks and improve efficiency. Kanban is based on a flexible approach that enables teams to work continuously and adapt to change.


Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

OKRs is an agile method for setting and measuring performance that helps companies focus on the most important goals and track progress transparently for all team members.

Classic vs. agile project management: Comparing the two approaches


Classic project management


Agile project management🔵 Scope is fixed, while time and effort are variable 🟢 Time and effort are fixed, while scope is variable 🔵 Process follows a linear approach (waterfall model), in which development is carried out from phase to phase 🟢 Process is iterative, with runs of all phases in one iteration 🔵 Process is rigid 🟢 Process is continuously improved 🔵 Influence of stakeholders decreases over the course of the project 🟢 Influence of stakeholders is constant throughout the project 🔵 Requirements are recorded at the start, for example in a specification sheet 🟢 Requirements are continuously recorded, for example through backlogs 🔵 Results are only delivered and evaluated at the end of the project 🟢 Results are delivered and evaluated regularly during the project 🔵 Project manager manages and is responsible for the entire project 🟢 Team is self-organized and bears joint responsibility 🔵 Communication takes place through long meetings and documentation 🟢 Communication takes place through short, daily meetings and less documentation


Agile project management offers a flexible and effective solution for dynamic projects with changing requirements. By applying agile principles and tools correctly, teams can improve collaboration and increase project success. However, it is important to understand the challenges and manage them appropriately in order to minimize potential risks and take full advantage of the benefits.


When is agile project management suitable?

Agile project management is particularly suitable for projects that are characterized by high dynamics, changing requirements and close cooperation with customers. It is ideal for situations where flexibility, rapid response to change, and continuous improvement are essential. For example, agile project management is particularly effective in software development, product development or innovative projects.

What are good agile project management tools?

Good agile project management tools help teams optimize their processes, promote collaboration, and keep track of tasks and progress. Popular tools include Jira, Trello, Asana,, and Zoho Projects.

Why do agile projects fail?

Agile projects can fail if they are not properly planned, implemented, or managed. The reasons may include inadequate planning, poor communication, team or management resistance, complex requirements, and lack of experience.


Wann eignet sich agiles Projektmanagement?

Agiles Projektmanagement eignet sich besonders gut für Projekte, die sich durch hohe Dynamik, sich ändernde Anforderungen und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden auszeichnen. Es ist ideal für Situationen, in denen Flexibilität, schnelle Reaktion auf Veränderungen und kontinuierliche Verbesserung wesentlich sind. Beispielsweise ist agiles Projektmanagement in der Softwareentwicklung, Produktentwicklung oder bei innovativen Projekten besonders effektiv.

Was sind gute Agile Projektmanagement-Tools?

Gute Agile Projektmanagement-Tools unterstützen Teams dabei, ihre Prozesse zu optimieren, die Zusammenarbeit zu fördern und den Überblick über Aufgaben und Fortschritt zu behalten. Beliebte Tools sind Jira, Trello, Asana, und Zoho Projects.

Warum scheitern agile Projekte?

Agile Projekte können scheitern, wenn sie nicht angemessen geplant, umgesetzt oder verwaltet werden. Gründe können unzureichende Planung, schlechte Kommunikation, Widerstand im Team oder Management, komplexe Anforderungen und mangelnde Erfahrung sein.

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